Geographischer Entwurf der beyden Freyen Reichs-Herrschaften Sulzbürg und Pirbaum samt...

Tobias Mayer (*1723 - 1762)
Old coloured map of Oberpfalz, Bavaria. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1748.

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Reference 11516



Old coloured, highly detailed and rare fields map of Upper Palatinate. Covering the area between Nuremberg and Regensburg with Allersburg, Freystadt, Berching, Neumarkt and Pyrbaum.


CartographerTobias Mayer
TitleGeographischer Entwurf der beyden Freyen Reichs-Herrschaften Sulzbürg und Pirbaum samt ihren auch incorporirten, in anderer Ständen Territoris aber liegenden Dorfschaften und Unterthanen
Publisher, YearHomann Erben, Nuremberg, 1748
Plate Size54.2 x 46.0 cm (21.3 x 18.1 inches)
Sheet Size62.0 x 53.5 cm (24.4 x 21.1 inches)


Excellent condition.


Tobias Mayer was a mathematician and astronomer born in Marbach, Germany. During the years 1746-1751 he worked in the map publishing house of Homann Heirs in Nuremberg. His cartographic work consists of some 30 maps.

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Tobias Mayer: Geographischer Entwurf der beyden Freyen Reichs-Herrschaften Sulzbürg und Pirbaum samt ihren auch incorporirten, in anderer....
Old coloured map of Oberpfalz, Bavaria. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1748.

Germany - Mayer, Tobias - Geographischer Entwurf der beyden Freyen...

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