
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.

    Antwerp, 1587

    Beautiful original old coloured copper engraved map of six Mediterranean Island by A. Ortelius. Showing Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, Corfu, Elba and Djerba. From the 1587 French edition of Theatrum...

    Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.
    1587 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Djerba, Elba, Corfu, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1587.

    1 100,00 €
  • Henry Raigniauld:  Isle et Siege de Malte

    J. Baudoin - A. de Naberat, Paris, 1629 or 1640

    Rare antique map of Malta engraved by H. Raigniauld. From Histoire des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de S. Iean de Hierusalem by J. Baudoin or from the edition by A. de Naberat. The maps shows the Great...

    Isle et Siege de Malte
    1629 - Henry Raigniauld

    Antique map of Malta. Printed in Paris by J. Baudoin - A. de Naberat in 1629 or 1640.

    1 400,00 €
  • Christoph Weigel:  Insulae Maltae nova et accurata Tabula

    Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718

    Rare antique map of Malta with Gozo by Christoph Weigel. With a small map of the harbour and the fortification of La Valetta. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche and a very elaborate...

    Insulae Maltae nova et accurata Tabula
    1718 - Christoph Weigel

    Old coloured map of Malta, Gozo, Valetta. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.

    1 700,00 €
  • Emanuel Bowen:  Particular Draughts of Some of the Chief African Islands in the Mediterranean, as also in the...

    E. Bowen, London, 1747

    An unusual copper engraving by E. Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Featuring 7 small maps of islands of the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and South Africa including "An Accurate Map of...

    Particular Draughts of Some of the Chief African Islands in the...
    1747 - Emanuel Bowen

    Antique map of St Helena, Tenerife, Cape Verde, Malta, Mediterranean. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.

    390,00 €
  • Laurent Fries:  Aphricae tabula secunda continet

    Trechsel, Vienne, 1541

    Untitled trapezoidal Ptolemaic woodcut map of North Africa. From the 1541 Vienne (Dauphiné) edition of Ptolemy's Geographia published by Gaspar Trechsel and sold by Hughes de la Porte in Lyon. The...

    Aphricae tabula secunda continet
    1541 - Laurent Fries

    Coloured woodcut map of Sardinia, Malta, North Africa. Printed in Vienne by Trechsel in 1541.

  • Domenico Zenoi:  Assedio de l'Isola di Malta 1565 / Valetta, nova Citta di Malta

    Venice, 1567-69

    Very rare, early map of the Great Siege of Malta 1565 from Domenico Zenoi. With a map of Valetta. Two engravings on one sheet. The copperplates have been used first in Paolo Forlani's Il primo...

    Assedio de l'Isola di Malta 1565 / Valetta, nova Citta di Malta
    1567 - Domenico Zenoi

    Antique map of Gozo, Valetta. Printed in Venice in the year 1567.

  • Tomaso Porcacchi:  Malta - Descrittione dell'Isola di Malta.

    Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro, Venice, 1572

    First edition of Porcacchi's very attractive and early map of Malta. This finely-executed map shows the Mediterranean island of Malta with Valetta. Oriented to the southwest. With a compass rose, a...

    Malta - Descrittione dell'Isola di Malta.
    1572 - Tomaso Porcacchi

    Antique map of Malta. Printed in Venice by Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro in 1572.

  • Sebastian Münster:  [Malta and Gozo]

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Small, early woodcut map of Malta with Gozo by Sebastian Münster. On the full text sheet. In the margin an interesting manuscript list of Grand Masters of the Knights of the Crusades with Gerhard...

    [Malta and Gozo]
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Early woodcut map of Malta and Gozo. Published by Heinrich Petri in Basel in 1574.

  • Francois de Belleforest:  Malta olim Melita Insula.

    Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius, Paris, 1575

    A scarce and early woodcut map of Malta. As a woodcut map, it is extremely fine cut. On the full text sheet. Based on the engraved Malta map of Ortelius. The map comes from the French edition of...

    Malta olim Melita Insula.
    1575 - Francois de Belleforest

    Antique woodcut map of Malta. Printed in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius in 1575.

  • Abraham Ortelius:  Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.

    Antwerp, 1584

    Beautiful original old coloured copper engraved map of six Mediterranean Island by A. Ortelius. Showing Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, Corfu, Elba and Djerba. From the 1584 Latin edition of Theatrum...

    Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Djerba, Elba, Corfu, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Regnorum Siciliae et Sardiniae nec non Melitae seu Maltae Insula cum Adjectis Italiae et Africae...

    J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720

    Old coloured antique map of Sicily, Sardinia and Malta located in the Mediterranean Sea. To the lower left a map of Catania with Etna in the background. To the right a small map of Valletta, Malta....

    Regnorum Siciliae et Sardiniae nec non Melitae seu Maltae Insula cum...
    1720 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of Malta, Sardinia, Sicily. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.

  • Nicolas de Fer:  Carte et Plan de l'isle de Malthe et des villes et forts avec les nouvelles fortifications ainsy...

    Guillaume Danet, Paris, 1723

    Very decorative and rare map of Malta with Gozo by Nicolas de Fer. Printed by Guillaume Danet in Paris in 1723 . Bottom right a small map of the harbour and fortification of La Valetta. Decorated...

    Carte et Plan de l'isle de Malthe et des villes et forts avec les...
    1723 - Nicolas de Fer

    Coloured map of Valetta, Gozo. Printed in Paris by Guillaume Danet in 1723.

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