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Anonymous: Erschrecklicher und Erbärmlicher Schaw Platz Verüblter Frantzösischer Schandt Brandt und...
circa 1675
Extremely rare, large engraved pamphlet on 4 sheets joined. Shows dramatic scenes during the French-Dutch War (1672-1679). The unusual dramatic scenes of violence for this time of printmaking are...
Extremely rare, large pamphlet of the French-Dutch War. Printed on 4 sheets in the year 1675.
Christoph Weigel: Discus Cronologicus Omnium S.R.I. Electorum
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Timeline of rulers within the German Empire as a circular diagram. Each circle corresponds to an electorate. From 1200 to 1800, no printed entries after 1716. Continued by an old hand with ink...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Timeline. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Discus Chronologicus Regum Utriusque Siciliae et Ducum Principumque Italiae
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Rare and attractive timewheel of the reigns of the kings and dukes in Italy as a circular diagram. Each circle corresponds to a jurisdictions. From 1000 to 1800, no printed entries after 1718....
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Timeline. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Eigentliche abbildung, derer in Venedig gebräuchlichen Schiffe, vornehmlich aber des Bucentauro
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Beautiful old coloured engraving of the Bucintoro (Bucentaur), the state barge of the Doge of Venice. The magnificent Venetian galley was equipped with 168 oars with 42 straps. The Bucintoro was...
Copper engraving of a maritim scenery. Galley, Bucentaur, Bucintoro, Venice, Venezia. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Prospect der Stadt Nürnberg von St. Peter, welche Straße Iosephus I. als Römischer König herein...
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Depiction of the procession of the entry of Joseph I into the city of Nuremberg. In the background a view of the city. Engraving from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Nuremberg. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Abbildung des auf der Strasse Quincampoix in Paris entstandenen so berühmten Actien-Handels....
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1720
Engraving of one of the most infamous financial breakdowns in history, known as the Mississippi bubble . Shows the chaotic situation during the wind trade on Rue Quinquempoix in Paris. From...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Trading, Mississippi Bubble. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1720.
Nicolas Gabriel le Clerc: Tab. II et III.
Paris, 1783
Beautiful engraving of fittings of horses used by the Tartars or Cossacks. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc.
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Cossacks, Tartars. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Gabriel le Clerc: Tab. IV et V.
Paris, 1783
Beautiful engraving of fittings by the Tartars or Cossacks. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc.
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Cossacks, Tartars. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Gabriel le Clerc: Tab. VI et VII.
Paris, 1783
Beautiful engraving of fittings by the Tartars or Cossacks. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc.
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Cossacks, Tartars. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Hartmann Schedel: In Principio creavit Deus celum et terra...
Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 1493
The Book of Chronicles or Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, also called Schedel's World History or Nuremberg Chronicle , starts with the creation of the world by God according to the...
Collection of 4 sheets of the history of creation, Genesis, printed by H. Koberger 1493 in Nuremberg.
Hartmann Schedel: Ultima etas mundi [The Last Judgement]
Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 1493
The Last Judgement, one of the most sought-after woodcuts of the Book of Chronicles or Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, also called Schedel's World History or Nuremberg Chronicle ....
The Last Judgement from Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel printed 1493 in Nuremberg.
Hartmann Schedel: [God the Father on a throne]
Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 1493
The first page of the Book of Chronicles or Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, also called Schedel's World History or Nuremberg Chronicle . The famous frontispiece with the...
God the Father from Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel printed 1493 in Nuremberg.
Hartmann Schedel: [Armageddon, Apocalypse] Septima etas mundi
Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 1493
The Apocalypse or Armageddon is one of the most sought-after woodcuts of the Book of Chronicles or Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel, also called Schedel's World History or Nuremberg...
Armageddon, Apocalypse from Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel printed 1493 in Nuremberg.
Sebastian Münster: Von der Insel Giava
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early depiction of cannibalism in Southeast Asia. Verso a view of Pego. Transcription of the text to the right of the woodcut:In etlichen Stetten dieser Inseln frißt man Menschenfleisch,...
Woodcut of a historical scene. Cannibalism. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Francois de Belleforest: [Noah's Ark]
Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius, Paris, 1575
A very detailed woodcut of Noah's Ark.This woodcut was published in La Cosmographie Universelle de tout le monde , printed 1575 in two volumes in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau and Michel Sonnius...
Woodcut of an old master drawing. Noah's Ark. Printed in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius in 1575.
Francois de Belleforest: [Adam and Eve]
Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius, Paris, 1575
A beautiful woodcut of Adam and Eve.This woodcut was published in La Cosmographie Universelle de tout le monde , printed 1575 in two volumes in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau and Michel Sonnius...
Woodcut of an old master drawing. Adam and Eve. Printed in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius in 1575.
Francois de Belleforest: De la creation du monde, & disposition que Dieu feit de la terre, & de la mer.
Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius, Paris, 1575
A beautiful woodcut of the Paradies with Adam and Eve.This woodcut was published in La Cosmographie Universelle de tout le monde , printed 1575 in two volumes in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau...
Woodcut of an old master drawing. Paradise with Adam and Eve. Printed in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius in 1575.
Francois de Belleforest: L'Amphiteatre, dict les Arenes
Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius, Paris, 1575
A rare and early woodcut view of the Arènes de Nîmes . With Romulus and Remus , a bull and gladiators during a fight. Ruled in brown ink.This woodcut was published in La Cosmographie...
Antique woodcut town view of Arena of Nimes, Nimes, Languedoc. Printed in Paris by Nicolas Chesneau, Michel Sonnius in 1575.
Justus Danckerts: Historische en Geographische Tafel om te Leren eeen Kort Begrip vande Landen en Staaten in Europa...
Cornelius Danckerts, Amsterdam, circa 1710
Engraved table with historical and geographical information of different European countries by Caspar Specht. For Portugal, for example, six provinces, the area under cultivation and the income are...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Amsterdam by Cornelius Danckerts circa 1710.
Christoph Weigel: Historische Wappen Charte von den saemptlichen Churfursten des heil. Rom. Teutsch Reichs.
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Old coloured copper engraving with coats of arms of the electors of the Holy Roman Empire from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel. First...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Erste Wappen-Charte Derer Europaeischen Kaiserthümer und Koenigreiche...
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Old coloured copper engraving with coats of arms of European emperors and kingdoms from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel. First...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Andere historische Ritter-Orden Charte...
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Old coloured copper engraving with knight orders from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel. First published in Nuremberg in 1718....
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Erste historische Ritter-Orden Charte...
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Old coloured copper engraving with knight orders from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel. First published in Nuremberg in 1718....
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Andere Wappen-Charte Derer Europaeischen Kaiserthümer und Koenigreiche...
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Old coloured copper engraving with coats of arms of European emperors and kingdoms from Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph Weigel. First...
Copper engraving of a historical scene. Coat of arms. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.