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Nicolas François Regnault: Le Pied d'Alouette, Larkspur, Rittersporn, Delphinium
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Larkspur. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Larkspur. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: L'Ortie Blanche, Deadnettle, Taubnessel, Lamium
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Deadnettle. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Deadnettle. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: L`Origan Sauvage. Origanum. Wild Marjoram. Origano. Dorten.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Wild Marjoram. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Wild Marjoram. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: L'Orvale ou Toute bonne. Sclarea. Clary. Hormino. Scharlachkraut.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Clary. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is according...
Copper engraving of a plant. Clary. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Laitron doux. Sonchus. Soncho. Serraya. Sawhistle. Sonchenkraut.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Sow Thistle. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Sow Thistle. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Guimauve. Althoea. Malvavisco. Hierva Cannamera. Marsh Mallows. Ibisch.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Marshmallow Plant. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique"...
Copper engraving of a plant. Marshmallow Plant. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Scammonée de Syrie. Scammonia Syriaca. Scammonia. Yedra Campana. Scammonye. Scammonienkraut.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Bindweed. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Bindweed. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Cétérac. Asplenium ceterach. Aspleno. Doradilha. Spleenwort. Hirschzungen.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Spleenwort. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Spleenwort. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Cresson des Prés. Cardamine Pratensis. Nasturtio. Ladies Smock. Gauchbluhme.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Cuckoo Flower. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Cuckoo Flower. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: L'Herbe aux cuilliers. Cochlearia officinalis. Scurvi-grass. Cochlearia
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Common Scurvygrass. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which...
Copper engraving of a plant. Common Scurvygrass. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Fumeterre ou Fiel de Terre. Fumaria officinalis. Fumoterre. Palomilha. Fumoterry. Zaubentropt.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Earth Smoke. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Earth Smoke. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Geraine ou le Pied de Pigeon. Geranium rotundi folium. Geranio colombino. Dooves poote....
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Geranium. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Geranium. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Roquette Sauvage. Eruca Silvestris. Oruga. Great Rockat. Ruchetta. Rauchen.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Rocket or Arugula. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which...
Copper engraving of a plant. Arugula, Rocket. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Souci de Jardin. Caltha. Calendola. Garden Marygolds. Rengel Gold Blumen.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Marigold. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Marigold. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Balsamine. Balsamina. Garanza. Balsame. Balsamapffel.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Garden Balsam. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Garden Balsam. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Fêve de Marais. Faba. Fava. Havas. Bean. Bonen.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Bean. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Bean. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Melisse des Moluques. Molucca.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Shell Flower. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Shell Flower. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Pétasite Herbe aux Teigneux. Tussilago Petasites. Capellazi. Semberera. Butter-Burr....
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Butterbur. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Butterbur. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Ballote. Marrubium Nigrum Foetidum. Marrobio. Marruio. Horehound. Andorn.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Black Horehound. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Black Horehound. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Galega ou la Rue de Chevre. Galega Officinalis. Ruta Capraria. Gallegua. Goats-Rue. Geiss-Raute.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Goat's Rue. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Goat's Rue. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Saponaire. Saponaria. Soap Wort. Senffenkraut.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Soapwort. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Soapwort. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Mouron mâle et femelle. Anagallis. Anagallide. Muruges. Pimpernell. Gauchheyl.
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a male and female Anagallis on one sheet. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes...
Copper engraving of a plant. Anagallis. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: La Belle de Nuit, Mirabilis jalapa
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of Mirabilis jalapa. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which...
Copper engraving of a plant. Jalapa. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.
Nicolas François Regnault: Le Bluet ou Aubifoin, Bluebottle, Kornblume, Centaurea Cyanus
Paris, 1774
Beautiful original hand coloured large folio copper engraving of a Bluebottle. Drawn and engraved by Regnault's wife Geneviève. With wide margin. The engraving comes from "La botanique" which is...
Copper engraving of a plant. Bluebottle. Printed in Paris in the year 1774.