
  • Martin Waldseemüller:  Secunda Asiae tabula

    Johannes Schott, Strasbourg, 1513 or 1520

    Rare woodcut map of Central Russia from M. Waldseemuller of 1513/1520. With the Crimea peninsula.Shows the area between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea with the Crimea peninsula and Caspian...

    Secunda Asiae tabula
    1513 - Martin Waldseemüller

    Antique woodcut map of the Caucasus, Caspian Sea, Crimea. Printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Schott in 1513 or 1520.

    2 900,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Poloniae, Lituaniaeq. Descriptio.

    Antwerp, 1601

    Beautiful antique map of Poland by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate details and...

    Poloniae, Lituaniaeq. Descriptio.
    1601 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Poland. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1601.

    1 200,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Prussia

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Early map of Prussia by G. Mercator. Showing the northern part of Poland with Puck (Putzig ), Gdańsk (Danzig) and Elblag (Elbing), the Russian area around Kalingrad (Königsberg ) and the southern...

    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Prussia. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    790,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Lithuania

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Beautiful coloured antique map of Lithuania by Gerard Mercator. This is the first large format map exclusively dedicated to Lithuania, created by Mercator and published by Jodocus Hondius. It...

    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    850,00 €
  • Jodocus Hondius:  Tabula Exactissima Regnorum Sueciae et Norvegiae, nec non Maris Universi Orientalis...

    J. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Scarce map of Scandinavia and the Baltic region by J. Hondius. It was only included in a few early editions of the Mercator-Hondius Atlas and is quite rare. After Anders Bure's large map of...

    Tabula Exactissima Regnorum Sueciae et Norvegiae, nec non Maris Universi...
    1633 - Jodocus Hondius

    Coloured map of Scandinavia. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Hondius in 1633.

    2 500,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Ducatuum Livoniae, et Curlandiae, Nova Tabula...

    Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam, circa 1680

    Old coloured antique map of the Baltic region by Frederick de Wit. With Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the east coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland in the north. Decorated with a...

    Ducatuum Livoniae, et Curlandiae, Nova Tabula...
    1680 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit circa 1680.

    520,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula...

    Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam, um 1680

    Scarce, old coloured antique map of the Baltic region by Frederick de Wit. With Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Eastern part of Poland. Oriented to the West. Decorated with a beautiful title...

    Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula...
    1680 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit circa 1680.

    1 600,00 €
  • Christoph Weigel:  Borussia integra accuratiori stylo delineata

    Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718

    Antique map of East Prussia by Christoph Weigel. Shows the coast of the Baltic Sea from Danzig, Königsberg to Memel. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche. From Bequemer Schul- und...

    Borussia integra accuratiori stylo delineata
    1718 - Christoph Weigel

    Old coloured map of Gdansk, Kaliningrad, Konigsberg, East Prussia. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.

    290,00 €
  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Mappae Imperii Moscovitici Pars Septentrionalis

    Augsburg, circa 1730

    Beautiful, old-colored engraved map of the western part of Russia by Matthaeus Seutter. Shows the area of Murmansk in the northwest, the White Sea, Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga with St. Petersburg, up...

    Mappae Imperii Moscovitici Pars Septentrionalis
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Old coloured map of Moskwa, Moscow. Printed in Augsburg circa 1730.

    550,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Regni Prussiae et Prussiae Polonicae...

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Old coloured map of East Prussia by Frederick de Wit. Showing the Baltic Sea coastline from Danzig (Gdansk) to Konigsberg (Kaliningrad) to Memel (Klaipeda). A beautiful title cartouche to the upper...

    Regni Prussiae et Prussiae Polonicae...
    1730 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Gdansk, Kaliningrad, Konigsberg, Prussia. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    690,00 €
  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Novissima et Accuratissima Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae

    G. M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730

    Rare first edition of the map of the Duchy of Lithuania by Georg Matthäus Seutter. Shows the Baltic States with Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the northeast of Poland, in the south the northern part...

    Novissima et Accuratissima Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Old coloured map of Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Augsburg by G. M. Seutter circa 1730.

    1 400,00 €
  • Willem Janszoon Blaeu:  Prussia accurate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi.

    W. & J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1735

    First edition of the antique map of Prussia by W. Blaeu. Showing the northern part of Poland with Puck (Putzig ), Gdańsk (Danzig) and Elblag (Elbing), the Russian area around Kalingrad (Königsberg...

    Prussia accurate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi.
    1735 - Willem Janszoon Blaeu

    Old coloured map of Prussia. Printed in Amsterdam by W. & J. Blaeu in 1735.

    590,00 €
  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Charte von Russisch Litauen, welche die von Polen an Russland Abgetretene Woiewodschaften,...

    Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1775

    A rare map of Belarus, with parts of the Ukraine and Lithuania. Marking the Dnieper and Dwiner rivers, with the towns of Polack, Orsha & Mogilev. With many details.

    Charte von Russisch Litauen, welche die von Polen an Russland...
    1775 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of the Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1775.

    550,00 €
  • Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:  Des Grossherzogthums Litauen nordwestlicher Theil / ... nordöstlicher Theil / ... westsüdlicher...

    Reilly, Vienna, 1791

    Very detailed four sheet map of Lithuania by F. J. v. Reilly. Showing the area between Dnieper (Dnepr), Daugava (Dvina) and Neris (Viliya). The indicated size refers to one sheet. Not joined....

    Des Grossherzogthums Litauen nordwestlicher Theil / ... nordöstlicher...
    1791 - Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly

    Old coloured map of Lithuania. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.

    700,00 €
  • Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:  Das Königreich Preussen mit den freien Städten Danzig u Thorn

    Reilly, Vienna, 1791

    Antique map of Prussia by F. J. v. Reilly. Showing the Baltic Sea coast from Pomerania to Lithuania. With Gdańsk and Toruń.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with...

    Das Königreich Preussen mit den freien Städten Danzig u Thorn
    1791 - Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly

    Old coloured map of Prussia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.

    140,00 €
  • Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:  Des Königreichs Preussen nordöstlicher Theil

    Reilly, Vienna, 1791

    Antique map of the north-eastern part of Poland and the Kaliningrad region by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the area around Węgorzewo (Angerburg ), Goldap, Polessk (Labiau) and Cherniachowsk (Insterburg)....

    Des Königreichs Preussen nordöstlicher Theil
    1791 - Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly

    Old coloured map of Kaliningrad, Tschernjachowsk, Prussia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.

    100,00 €
  • Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:  Des Russischen Reiches Statthalterschaften Riga oder das Herzogthum Liefland Reval oder das...

    Reilly, Vienna, 1791

    Antique map of Estonia and Latvia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the Baltic States with parts of Russia.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total....

    Des Russischen Reiches Statthalterschaften Riga oder das Herzogthum...
    1791 - Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly

    Old coloured map of Latvia, Estonia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.

    90,00 €
  • Olaus Magnus:  [Scandinavia]

    Henric Petri, Basle, 1567

    Olaus Magnus' Important Map of Scandinavia.Very rare and important map of Scandinavia by Olaus Magnus, printed in 1567. From the Historia Olai Magni gothi archiepiscopi Upsalensis De...

    1567 - Olaus Magnus

    Antique woodcut map of Scandinavia. Printed in Basle by Henric Petri in 1567.

  • Sebastian Münster:  Von dem Preussen Land so etwann under dem Teutschen Orden gewesen, jetz aber ist es zu eim...

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early woodcut map of the Baltic Sea coast from Gdask (Danzig) to Kaliningrad (Königsberg) by Sebastian Münster. Decorated with a galleon. On the full text sheet. From the German edition of...

    Von dem Preussen Land so etwann under dem Teutschen Orden gewesen, jetz...
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of the Baltic Sea, Lithuania, East Prussia. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

  • Sebastian Münster:  Riga

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early woodcut view of the capital of Latvia, Riga. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full page. The sheet was...

    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut town view of Riga, Latvia. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

  • Abraham Ortelius:  Pomeraniae, Wandalicae Regionis, Typ. / Livoniae Nova Descriptio / Ducatus Oswieczensis, et...

    Antwerp, 1584

    Nice original old coloured map of the Baltic Sea coast from Rugen to Gdansk, the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as parts of southern Poland north of the Carpathian...

    Pomeraniae, Wandalicae Regionis, Typ. / Livoniae Nova Descriptio /...
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Prussia, Pommern, Latvia, Baltic Sea, Livonia. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

  • Abraham Ortelius:  Prussiae Regionis Sarmatiae Europeae Nobiliss. Vera et Nova Descriptio...

    Antwerp, 1584

    Nice original old coloured map of Prussia by Abraham Ortelius. Showing the Baltic Sea coastline from Danzig (Gdansk) to Konigsberg (Kaliningrad) to Memel (Klaipeda). Decorated with two galleon, a...

    Prussiae Regionis Sarmatiae Europeae Nobiliss. Vera et Nova Descriptio...
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Gdansk, Kaliningrad, Konigsberg, Prussia. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

  • Abraham Saur:  Riga

    W. Richter, Frankfurt, 1608

    Rare woodcut view of Riga, capital of Latvia. From "Parvum Theatrum Urbium sive Urbium Praecipuarum totius orbis Brevis & Methodica Descriptio" by Adrianus Romanus printed 1608 in Frankfurt. First...

    1608 - Abraham Saur

    Antique woodcut town view of Riga, Latvia. Printed in Frankfurt by W. Richter in 1608.

  • Gerard Mercator:  Livonia

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Beautiful coloured antique map of the Baltic region by Gerard Mercator. With Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the east coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland in the north. Decorated with a...

    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

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