Antique Maps by Abraham Ortelius (*1527 - 1598)

Abraham Ortelius was born 1527 in Antwerp. He studied mathematics, Greek and Latin and travelled a lot across Europe. He established a business in dealing with books and drawing maps. His first remarkable map was a 8 sheet world map in the year 1564, but only three copies have survived. In 1570 he issued the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern Atlas with uniformly sized maps in a systematic collection. The term Atlas was not used until Mercator introduced it 20 years later. Most of the maps in Theatrum have been engraved by Frans Hogenberg. At the time of publication, the atlas was the most expensive book ever printed. Nevertheless it was a big success and around 7000 copies have been printed until 1612 in many editions and six different languages. Beside the Theatrum, Ortelius compiled a series of historical maps and published it in the Parergon Theatri which was bound with the Theatrum from 1579 onwards or published separately.
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor Nova Descriptio - Aegypti Recentior Descriptio - Carthaginis...

    Antwerp, 1570

    Coloured copper engraved map of Turkey by A. Ortelius. On right side a map of Egypt and one of Tunis. Three map on one sheet printed from one plate. From the early 1570 Latin edition of 'Theatrum...

    Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor Nova Descriptio - Aegypti Recentior...
    1570 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Tunis, Egypt, Cyprus, Turkey. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1570.

    420,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Theatre, oft Toonneel des Aerdt-bodems

    Gielis Coppens van Diest, Antwerp, 1571/73

    Old colour example of the early title page from Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum . From the 1571 or 1573 Dutch edition.

    Theatre, oft Toonneel des Aerdt-bodems
    1571 - Abraham Ortelius

    Title page from the Ortelius Atlas. Printed 1571 in Antwerp.

    490,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Typus Orbis Terrarum, Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio, Africae Tabula Nova, Asiae Nova...

    Gielis Coppens van Diest, Christoffel Plantin, Antwerp, 1573-1584

    Ortelius' World and Continents from the First Modern Atlas.A fine set consisting of a world map and four of the continents from the first modern atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham...

    Typus Orbis Terrarum, Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio, Africae...
    1573 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured world map and continent maps by Abraham Ortelius. Published in 1573-84 in Antwerp.

    18 000,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Bellarmato.

    Antwerp, 1573

    Beautiful original old coloured copper engraved map of the Tuscany by A. Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570....

    Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Bellarmato.
    1573 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of the Tuscany. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1573.

    850,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero / Circulus sive Liga Sueviae,...

    Antwerp, 1574

    Antique map of the northern region of Switzerland and southern Germany by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum...

    Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero /...
    1574 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Basel, Switzerland. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1574.

    450,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Frisiae Orientalis Descriptio

    A. Ortelius, Antwerp, 1579

    Very nice old coloured antique map of East Frisia by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with...

    Frisiae Orientalis Descriptio
    1579 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of East Frisia, Lower Saxony. Printed in Antwerp by A. Ortelius in 1579.

    790,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Palatinus Bavariae descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore / Wirtenbergensis Ducatus Vera...

    Christoffel Plantin, Antwerp, 1579

    Antique map of Württemberg and the northern part of Bavaria by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis...

    Palatinus Bavariae descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore /...
    1579 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Bavaria, Wurttemberg. Printed in Antwerp by Christoffel Plantin in 1579.

    520,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Candia Insula / Archipelagi Insularum Aliquot Descrip.

    Antwerp, 1584

    Beautiful original old coloured copper engraved map of Crete with 10 additional islands by A. Ortelius. Showing Crete and the islands Lesbos (Metellino), Kithira (Cerigo), Karpathos (Scarpanto),...

    Candia Insula / Archipelagi Insularum Aliquot Descrip.
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of the Aegean Sea, Cyclades, Crete. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

    750,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Larii Lacus vulgo Comensis Descriptio / Territorii Romani Descrip. / Fori Iulii vulgo Friuli Typus

    Antwerp, 1584

    Nice original old coloured map of Lake Como (Lago di Como), Rome (Roma) and surroundings and the region of Udine in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea by Abraham Ortelius. From the 1584 Latin...

    Larii Lacus vulgo Comensis Descriptio / Territorii Romani Descrip. /...
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Udine, Rome, Lake Como. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

    600,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo, Edita Londini Anno...

    Antwerp, 1584

    Fascinating copper engraved map of Russia by A. Ortelius in stunning original colors. Showing the region from the Baltic Sea, Lithuania and the Black Sea to the Sur River, Tashkent, the Kossack...

    Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono...
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Siberia, Moscow. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

    1 900,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.

    Antwerp, 1587

    Beautiful original old coloured copper engraved map of six Mediterranean Island by A. Ortelius. Showing Malta, Sardinia, Sicily, Corfu, Elba and Djerba. From the 1587 French edition of Theatrum...

    Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio.
    1587 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Djerba, Elba, Corfu, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1587.

    1 100,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, nova descriptio. Auctore Ludovico Georgio.

    A. Ortelius, Antwerp, circa 1587

    Ortelius' Stunning Map of China with Old Colour.Old coloured map of China by Abraham Ortelius. The map is oriented to the west, north is on the right side. This is the first map of China ever...

    Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, nova descriptio. Auctore Ludovico Georgio.
    1587 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of China. Printed in Antwerp by A. Ortelius circa 1587.

    3 400,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Parergon sive veteris geographiae

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    A striking old colour example of the early woodcut title page from Ortelius' Parergon as part of the 1595 Latin edition of the Ortelius Atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , heightened with gold.

    Parergon sive veteris geographiae
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Title page from the Ortelius Atlas. Printed 1595 in Antwerp.

    690,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio Auctore Hieronymo Chiaves

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Beautiful old coloured antique map of Andalusia by A. Ortelius. Depicting Seville and its surroundings in Andalusia. With Córdoba, Écija, and Jerez de la Frontera. From the first modern atlas, the...

    Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio Auctore Hieronymo Chiaves
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Seville, Andalusia. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    520,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Brandeburgensis Marchae Descriptio

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Old coloured antique map of Brandenburg by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Brandeburgensis Marchae Descriptio
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Berlin, Brandenburg. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    490,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Westphaliae Totius, Finitimarumque Regionum Accurata Descriptio

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Antique map of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with...

    Westphaliae Totius, Finitimarumque Regionum Accurata Descriptio
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    530,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Beautiful antique map of Saxony and Thuringia by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    450,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Bavariae olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi Apiani Math.

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Very detailed, antique map of Bavaria by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate details...

    Bavariae olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi...
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Bavaria. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    590,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Wirtenberg Ducatus

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Very detailed, antique map of Württemberg by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Wirtenberg Ducatus
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    520,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Germaniae Veteris, Typus.

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Rare historical map of Germany and the central part of Europe during antiquity by Abraham Ortelius. With Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and parts of Switzerland, Poland and Hungary. In the south...

    Germaniae Veteris, Typus.
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Germany. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    1 200,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, et Vita

    Antwerp, circa 1595

    Rare edition of Ortelius' striking map of the Wanderings of Abraham.A rare edition of the historical map of the Holy Land by Abraham Ortelius, unusual without text on verso. Shows the land...

    Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, et Vita
    1595 - Abraham Ortelius

    Historical map of Israel, Canaan with the Wanderings of Abraham. Printed around 1595 in Antwerp.

    3 900,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Persici sive Sophorum Regni Typus

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1595

    Hand coloured antique map of Persia by Abraham Ortelius. With a beautiful title cartouche. Covering the area of today Iran with the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. From the 1595 edition of...

    Persici sive Sophorum Regni Typus
    1595 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of the Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Iran. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1595.

    650,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero / Circulus sive Liga Sueviae,...

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1595

    Antique map of the northern region of Switzerland and southern Germany by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum...

    Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero /...
    1595 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of the Lake Constance, Switzerland, Southern Germany. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1595.

    480,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Leodiensis Dioecesis Typus

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1598

    Antique map of the eastern part of Belgium by Abraham Ortelius. Shows the area from Weert and Roermond to Sedain and from Leuven (Louvain) to Limbourg. With Liège, Dinant, Maastricht and Namur....

    Leodiensis Dioecesis Typus
    1598 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Belgium. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1598.

    450,00 €
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