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Johannes Janssonius: Nova Germaniae Descriptio
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1616 [1632]
Scarce Janssonius map of the Holy Roman Empire with side panels.Very decorative and rare 'carte-à-figures' map of Germany with the surrounding countries by Johannes Janssonius. First...
Coloured map of Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1632.
Johannes Janssonius: Insularum Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio.
G. Valk and P. Schenk, Amsterdam, 1630 (1690)
Janssonius' map of Southeast Asia coloured by a contemporary hand. Re-issued by G. Valk and P. Schenk with modified title and signature. Decorated with three cartouches, two compass roses, ships...
Old coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by G. Valk and P. Schenk in 1690.
Johannes Janssonius: Silesiae Ducatus Nova et Accurata Descriptio.
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Old coloured antique map of Silesia by Johannes Janssonius. Showing the area between Frankfurt Oder in the northwest, via Crossen (Krosno Odrzańskie), Glogau (Głogów), Freiberg, Brieg (Brzeg),...
Old coloured map of Wroclaw, Breslau, Silesia. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
One of the Earliest Editions of Janssonius' Important Map of Southeast Asia.Johannes Janssonius' 1630 map is a significant early depiction of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Australia....
Coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.
Out of stockJohannes Janssonius: Groninga dominium
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful map of the province of Groningen in the northeast of the Netherlands by J. Janssonius. Shows the surroundings of Groningen with Dollart and Emden. With the West Frisian islands of...
Coloured map of Friesland, Groningen. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Monasteriensis Episcopatus
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
West oriented engraved map of Lower-Saxony to North Rhine-Westphalia by J. Janssonius. One nice cartouche and numerous small coats-of-arms within the map. Showing the area between Wesel, Lippe,...
Coloured map of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Nova Descriptio Palatinatus Rheni
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautifully coloured map of the Rhine Palatinate (Rheinpfalz) by J. Janssonius. With Bingen, Mainz, Frankfurt, Hanau, Heidelberg to Pforzheim and Heilbronn in the southeast and Worms in the centre....
Coloured map of Rheinpfalz. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan
Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1633
Decorative, old coloured copper engraved map of Colombia by J. Janssonius. Shows parts of Ecuador with Esmeraldas in the south-west, up to Venezuela in the East. With the detailed course of the...
Coloured map of Colombia. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Insularum Moluccarum Nova Descriptio.
Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1633
This beautiful map shows the famed Spice Islands, crucial to the Dutch trading empire in the East Indies during the 17th Century. It shows the Indonesian archipelago of the Moluccas between...
Coloured map of Spice Islands, Indonesia, Moluccas. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Thuringiae Nova Descriptio
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful antique map of Thuringia by J. Janssonius. Shows the Free State of Thuringia with Nordhausen, Eisenach, Gotha, Meiningen, Suhl, Ilmenau, Weimar and Jena. With Erfurt in the centre. With a...
Antique map of Thuringia, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Granata, et Murcia Regna
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1635
Old coloured antique map of the Andalusia by J. Janssonius. Shows the historic spanish provinces Granada and Murcia spanning from the Strait of Gibraltar to Alicante, covering notable cities such...
Old coloured map of Murcia, Granada. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius circa 1635.
Johannes Janssonius: Comitatuum Hannoniae et Namurci Descripto
Amsterdam, circa 1636
Old coloured copper engraved map of the central part of Belgium by J. Janssonius. Showing the regions Namur and Hainaut with Bruxelles and Mons. Cartouche with two coats of arms and a cherub.
Old coloured map of Namur, Hainaut, Belgium. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1636.
Johannes Janssonius: Atlantis novi pars secunda, exhibens Germaniam inferiorem, Galliam, Helvetiam, atque Hispaniam
H. Hondius & J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1638
Old coloured title page of the Hondius-Janssonius Atlas. From the Latin edition of the Atlas Novus published 1638 in Amsterdam.Pieter van der Krogt in Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici , 1:32:...
Title page of Janssonius' Atlas Novus. Printed in Amsterdam 1638.
Johannes Janssonius: Waldeck Comitatus
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1638
Beautiful antique map of the county of Waldeck by J. Janssonius. Showing the region between Dortmund and Kassel, with Meschede, Brilon, Warburg, Fritzlar, Frankenberg, Schmalenberg and Korbach....
Antique map of Waldeck, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1638.
Johannes Janssonius: Iaponiae Nova Descriptio
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1639-49
Early Map of Japan with Korea as an Island.Old coloured antique map of Japan and Korea by J. Janssonius after Mercator-Hondius. In the west the coastline of China, Korea is shown as an...
Old coloured map of Japan - Korea. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius in 1639.
Johannes Janssonius: Territorium Norimbergense
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1640
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the area around Nuremberg from J. Janssonius. With two beautiful cartouches, a small plan of Nuremberg with caption. Rare separate issued sheet without...
Antique map of Nuremberg, Bavaria. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1640.
Johannes Janssonius: Valentia Regnum
Amsterdam, circa 1640
Antique map of Valencia by Janssonius. Shows the Spanish Mediterranean coast from Torrevieja to Tarragona. With Alicante, Xàbia, Dénia, Gandia, Castellón de la Plana and L'Ampolla. In the centre...
Coloured map of Valencia. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1640.
Johannes Janssonius: Austria Archiducatus Auctore Wolfgango Lazio.
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1640
Old coloured antique map of Upper and Lower Austria by J. Janssonius. Showing Upper Austria with the border area to Bavaria with Passau and Lower Austria with the west of Slovakia and Hungary. In...
Old coloured map of Lower Austria, Upper Austria. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius circa 1640.
Johannes Janssonius: Novus Atlas, sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: in quo Orbis Antiquus ... Tomus Sextus
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1644
Title page of the historical atlas by J. Janssonius, the sixth volume of the Atlas Novus . Ionic portico with celestial and terrestrial globes. To the left is Ptolemy with a sphere and pair of...
Janssonius' title page for the Historical Atlas. Printed in Amsterdam 1644.
Johannes Janssonius: Oldenburg Comitatus
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1646-57
Old coloured antique map of Oldenburg in the Oldenburger Land, Lower Saxony by J. Janssonius. Shows the Oldenburg country between the Weser river and East Friesland from Bremen to Jever and...
Old coloured map of Oldenburg, Lower Saxony. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius in 1646.
Johannes Janssonius: Principatus Walliae Pars Borealis vulgo North Wales
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1646-59
Antique map of North Wales by Johannes Janssonius. Showing the north of Wales with the island of Anglesey. Decorated with two cartouches, two coats of arms, sailing ships and a compass rose. This...
Old coloured map of North Wales. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius in 1646.
Johannes Janssonius: Insulae Corsicae Nova & accurata Descriptio
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1646-57
Beautiful old coloured engraved map of Corsica. Decorated with several sailing ships, sea monsters, a figurative text cartouche, a coat of arms and a mileage scale surrounded by Aquarius and putti....
Old coloured map of Corse, Corsica. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius in 1646.
Johannes Janssonius: Flandriae Pars Occidentalis
Amsterdam, circa 1647
Beautiful copper engraved map of Western Flanders by J. Janssonius. Showing the coast line from Nieuport over Dunkirk to Calais. With sailing ships, decorative cartouche and compass rose. Latin...
Antique map of Dunkirk, Calais, Belgium. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1647.
Johannes Janssonius: Nova et accurata descriptio Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné
Amsterdam, circa 1650
Original hand coloured map of Dauphiné / Rhône-Alpes by Jan Jansson, centred around Grenoble. Also showing Vienne, Valance, Lyon, Chambéry. Three beautiful coloured cartouche.
Old coloured map of Grenoble, Dauphine. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1650.