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Hartmann Schedel: Madeburga
Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 1493
Decorative incunable double-leaf in folio showing Magdeburg in Sachsen-Anhalt by Hartmann Schedel. From the Latin edition of the famous Liber chronicarum or Nuremberg Chronicle published in...
Coloured woodcut town view of Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger in 1493.
Laurent Fries: [Tabula IIII. Europae / Hae sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouincijs seu Prefecturis quas quarta...
Johannes Grüninger, Strasbourg, 1525
Early woodcut map of Germany by Laurent Fries after Martin Waldseemüller. Showing the central part of Europe from Denmark to the Alps and from France to Poland. The origin of this map is the first...
Antique woodcut map of Germany. Printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Grüninger in 1525.
Sebastian Münster: Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald, Otenwald und Nordgoew.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1574)
Early woodcut map of southern Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Covering the area beween the Lake Constance, Strasbourg, Bamberg and Passau, centred around Ulm. The title on...
Antique woodcut map of Swabia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Teütschland mit seinem gantzen begriff und eingschlosznen Landschafften.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Showing the region from Croatia in the upper left to London in the lower right. The title on verso is surrounded by a...
Antique woodcut map of Germany. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Out of stockSebastian Münster: Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald, Otenwald und Nordgoew.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of southern Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Covering the area beween the Lake Constance, Strasbourg, Bamberg and Passau, centred around Ulm. The title on...
Antique woodcut map of Swabia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Franckenland am Main, beschriben nach aller gelegenheit in Stetten, Wassern, Bergen, Walden und...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)
Early woodcut map of Franconia by Sebastian Münster oriented to the South. Showing the region around the river Main. With Nuremberg, Schweinfurt, Bamberg, Würzburg, Fürth, Erlangen, Coburg and...
Antique woodcut map of Franconia, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Laurent Fries: [De Boemia. / Tabula quarta & quinta Europae de nonnullis / Germaniae ...]
Gaspar Trechsel, Lyon, 1541
Early woodcut map of Germany by Laurent Fries after Martin Waldseemüller. Showing the central part of Europe from Denmark to the Alps and from France to Poland. The origin of this map is the first...
Antique woodcut map of Germany. Printed in Lyon by Gaspar Trechsel in 1541.
Abraham Ortelius: Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero / Circulus sive Liga Sueviae,...
Antwerp, 1574
Antique map of the northern region of Switzerland and southern Germany by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum...
Coloured map of Basel, Switzerland. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Die Statt Siemern mit aller ihrer Gelegenheit, wie sie zu unsern zeiten in wesen steht, gantz...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Simmern in the Hunsruck by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. With coat of arms and a key. Verso description of the city. From the German edition of Sebastian...
Antique woodcut town view of Simmern, Rhineland-Palatinate. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Die Reichstatt Speyer, so vor alten zeiten Civitas Nemerum, das ist, Nemeter Statt hat geheissen.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Speyer beside the river Rhine by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Large coat of arms and title on verso. Below and verso a description of the city. From the...
Antique woodcut town view of Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Ware contrafehtung der Reichstatt Landaw, wie sie zu unsern zeiten in der Mauren steht.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Landau in der Pfalz by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. With two coat of arms. Below a description of the city. From the German edition of Sebastian...
Antique woodcut town view of Landau, Rhineland-Palatinate. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Fryburg im Briszgoew ein neuwe Statt an einem edlen und fruchtbaren orth gelegen, do ein...
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Freiburg im Breisgau by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. With coat of arms in a text ribbon. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography,...
Antique woodcut town view of Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Von dem Elsasz, und seiner grossen fruchtbarkeit, dem kein Land am Rheinstrom mag verglichen werden.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early, small woodcut map of the Alsatia (Alsace) by Sebastian Münster. Showing the course of the river Rhine from Basel to Strasbourg. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography,...
Antique woodcut map of the Alsace, Alsatia, Black Forest. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Das Algoew
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut map of the Allgäu region by Sebastian Münster. Showing the region between Füssen and Lake Constance in the south and between Augsburg and Ehingen in the north. From the German edition...
Antique woodcut map of the Allgäu, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Von der Statt Braunschwig / Braunsweich
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Braunschweig in Lower Saxony. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full page. The sheet was...
Antique woodcut town view of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Meydenburg
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full page. The sheet was...
Antique woodcut town view of Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Abcontrafhetung der Statt Gotha
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Gotha in Thuringia. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full page. The sheet was published 1574...
Antique woodcut town view of Gotha, Thuringia. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Contrafehtung der Statt Nürnberg / Nurnberg
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Nuremberg in Bavaria. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full text sheet. The sheet was...
Antique woodcut town view of Nuremberg, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Contrafehtung der Statt Regenspurg
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Regensburg in Bavaria. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full text sheet. The sheet was...
Antique woodcut town view of Regensburg, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Elbwangen
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut view of Ellwangen in Baden-Württemberg. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full text sheet. The sheet...
Antique woodcut town view of Ellwangen, Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Die Statt Franckfurt an der Oder in Brandenburger Marck gelegen
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Frankfurt at the river Oder by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. From the German edition of Sebastian Munster's...
Antique woodcut town view of Frankfurt an der Oder, Brandenburg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Die Statt Lünenburg, nach ihrer Gelegenheit auff das aller fleissigest contrafehtet
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Lüneburg by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. From the German edition of Sebastian Munster's Cosmography, titled...
Antique woodcut town view of Lüneburg, Lower Saxony. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Die Statt Lübeck, eine auff den fürnemsten Stetten am More gelegen, contrafehtet.
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Lübeck by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. From the German edition of Sebastian Munster's Cosmography, titled...
Antique woodcut town view of Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Sebastian Münster: Der herrlichen und berühmpten Statt Meissen Abcontrafehtung / Misena Hermundurorum Urbs
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Large, early woodcut view of Meissen in Saxony by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. Title and a description of the city on verso. From the German edition of Sebastian Munster's...
Antique woodcut town view of Meissen, Saxony. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.