
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Brandeburgensis Marchae Descriptio

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Old coloured antique map of Brandenburg by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Brandeburgensis Marchae Descriptio
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Berlin, Brandenburg. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    490,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Beautiful antique map of Saxony and Thuringia by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    450,00 €
  • Joan Blaeu:  Marchionatus Brandenburgicus

    Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1649-50

    Antique map of the Margraviate of Brandenburg by J. Blaeu. From the island of Rügen with Mecklenburg and Pomerania to Saxony-Anhalt. In the east the northwestern part of Poland. With Berlin,...

    Marchionatus Brandenburgicus
    1649 - Joan Blaeu

    Old coloured map of Brandenburg, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by Joan Blaeu in 1649.

    390,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula Generalis...

    F. de Wit, Amsterdam, circa 1680

    Old coloured antique map of Pomerania by Frederick de Wit. Shows the Baltic coast from Stralsund with Rügen and Usedom to Gdansk (Danzig). With Berlin, Szczecin (Stettin), Toruń. On top the island...

    Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula Generalis...
    1680 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Pomerania, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Printed in Amsterdam by F. de Wit circa 1680.

    690,00 €
  • Covens and Mortier:  Land-Charte des Chur-Fürstenthums Brandenburg

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Rare first edition of the antique map of Brandenburg by Georg Paul Busch and Jacob Paul Freiherr von Gundling published by Covens & Mortier. Still without the address of Busch and Gundling. Shows...

    Land-Charte des Chur-Fürstenthums Brandenburg
    1730 - Covens and Mortier

    Old coloured map of Brandenburg, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    500,00 €
  • Matthias Quad:  Saxonum regionis quatenus eius gentis imperium nomenque olim patebat, recens germanaque delineatio

    J. Bussemacher, Cologne, circa 1600

    Antique map of Northern Germany by Matthias Quad. Shows Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg. In the east parts of Poland. Below left...

    Saxonum regionis quatenus eius gentis imperium nomenque olim patebat,...
    1600 - Matthias Quad

    Coloured map of Northern Germany. Printed in Cologne by J. Bussemacher circa 1600.

  • Matthias Quad:  Saxonum regionis quatenus eius gentis imperium nomenque olim patebat, recens germanaque delineatio

    J. Bussemacher, Cologne, circa 1600

    Antique map of Northern Germany by Matthias Quad. Shows Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg. In the east parts of Poland. With the...

    Saxonum regionis quatenus eius gentis imperium nomenque olim patebat,...
    1600 - Matthias Quad

    Coloured map of Northern Germany. Printed in Cologne by J. Bussemacher circa 1600.

  • Abraham Ortelius:  Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio

    Antwerp, 1603

    Old coloured antique map of Saxony and Thuringia by Abraham Ortelius. Shows the area between Berlin and Braunschweig in the north, to Prague in the south and Silesia in the east. With Chemnitz,...

    Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq. Descriptio
    1603 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1603.

  • Abraham Ortelius:  Brandenburgensis Marchae Descriptio

    Antwerp, 1608 or 1612

    Old coloured antique map of Brandenburg by Abraham Ortelius. Shows Brandenburg with parts of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Poland. From Ueckermünde and Szczecin to Wittenberg and Cottbus. In...

    Brandenburgensis Marchae Descriptio
    1608 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Berlin, Brandenburg. Printed in Antwerp in 1608 or 1612.

  • Nicolas Sanson:  Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe / Circuli Saxoniae Interioris...

    H. Jaillot, Paris, circa 1690

    Antique map of northern Germany printed after N. Sanson by Jaillot. Shows the area from Emden via Hamburg to Poland with Stettin in the east. To the lower right a title cartouche.

    Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe / Circuli Saxoniae Interioris...
    1690 - Nicolas Sanson

    Old coloured map of Northern Germany. Printed in Paris by H. Jaillot circa 1690.

  • Nicolas Sanson:  Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe, ou sont les Eveschés de Lubeck, et d'Hidelsheim, les Duches de...

    Jaillot, Paris, 1692

    Large copper engraved map of northern Germany from N. Sanson published by Jaillot in Paris. Covering the the area from Emden, Hamburg, Hannover up to Stettin in the East. Title on top and second...

    Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe, ou sont les Eveschés de Lubeck, et...
    1692 - Nicolas Sanson

    Coloured map of Northern Germany. Printed in Paris by Jaillot in 1692.

  • Alexis Hubert Jaillot:  Le Cercle de la Haute Saxe ou sont Compris le Duche et Electorat de Saxe...

    H. Jaillot, Paris, 1696

    Large antique map of East Germany by Jaillot. Shows the area between Berlin, Prague and Eisenach. With Erfurt, Dresden, Leipzig and Magdeburg. To the upper left a title cartouche.

    Le Cercle de la Haute Saxe ou sont Compris le Duche et Electorat de Saxe...
    1696 - Alexis Hubert Jaillot

    Old coloured map of Saxony, Germany. Printed in Paris by H. Jaillot in 1696.

  • Christoph Weigel:  Pomerania Vtraque eum insertis vicinisq ditionibus curante.

    Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718

    Antique map of Pomerania by Christoph Weigel. Showing the Baltic coast from Stralsund with Rügen and Usedom to Gdansk. With Berlin, Szczecin, Toruń. Decorated with beautiful title cartouche. From...

    Pomerania Vtraque eum insertis vicinisq ditionibus curante.
    1718 - Christoph Weigel

    Old coloured map of Pomerania, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.

  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Circulus Saxoniae Inferioris in omnes suos Status et Principatus

    Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720

    Old coloured map of the northern part of Germany by Johann Baptist Homann. Shows the area between Kiel, Rügen, Berlin, Halle and Oldenburg in the west. To the lower left a city view of Hamburg....

    Circulus Saxoniae Inferioris in omnes suos Status et Principatus
    1720 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of North Germany, Lower Saxony, Hamburg. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Baptist Homann circa 1720.

  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Ducatus Pomeraniae Novissima Tabula in Anteriorem et Interiorem Divisa, quatenus susunt Coronis...

    J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720

    Antique map of Pomerania by Johann Baptist Homann. Showing the Baltic coast from Stralsund with Rügen and Usedom to Gdansk. With Berlin, Szczecin, Toruń. Decorated with beautiful title cartouche.

    Ducatus Pomeraniae Novissima Tabula in Anteriorem et Interiorem Divisa,...
    1720 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of Pomerania, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.

  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Saxoniae Inferioris Circulus juxta Principatus

    M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730

    Old coloured map of northern part of Germany by M. Seutter. Covering the area of Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein up to Berlin in the East. With a figurative cartouche.

    Saxoniae Inferioris Circulus juxta Principatus
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Coloured map of North Germany. Printed in Augsburg by M. Seutter circa 1730.

  • Homann Erben:  Circuli supe. Saxoniae pars meridionalis sive ducatus, electoratus et principatus ducum Saxoniae

    Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1734

    Very detailed, old coloured map of Saxony. Shows the area between Halberstadt and Wernigerode in the northwest, from Magdeburg, Dessau, Wittenberg and Dresden along the Elbe to Prague in the...

    Circuli supe. Saxoniae pars meridionalis sive ducatus, electoratus et...
    1734 - Homann Erben

    Old coloured map of Saxony. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1734.

  • Homann Erben:  Circuli Supe. Saxoniae Pars Meridionalis sive Ducatus, Electoratus et Principatus Ducum Saxoniae

    Homann Erben, Nuremberg, circa 1750

    Very detailed, old coloured map of Saxony. Shows the area between Halberstadt and Wernigerode in the northwest, from Magdeburg, Dessau, Wittenberg and Dresden along the Elbe to Prague in the...

    Circuli Supe. Saxoniae Pars Meridionalis sive Ducatus, Electoratus et...
    1750 - Homann Erben

    Old coloured map of Saxony. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben circa 1750.

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