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Benedetto Bordone: Taprobana
Venice, 1528-1565
Rare woodcut map of Sri Lanka or Sumatra by Benedetto Bordone. Shows the island of Sri Lanka (former Ceylon) with a part of the mainland of India on top.From Libro di Benedetto Bordone... de...
Antique woodcut map of Sumatra, Sri Lanka, Ceylon. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Benedetto Bordone: [Maidegascar, Zanzibar, Scorsia, Inebila, Imangla, Scilam, Dondina]
Venice, 1528-1565
Three rare woodcut maps by Benedetto Bordone on one sheet. The first shows Madagascar with Zanzibar and Mauritius. On verso a map of Scilam (Sri Lanka, Ceylon) and Dondina. Furthermore the mythical...
Antique woodcut map of Sri Lanka, Madagascar. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Benedetto Bordone: [Java Minore]
Venice, 1528-1565
Rare woodcut map of Sumatra and Thailand by Benedetto Bordone. Showing the Southeast Asian island of Sumatra belonging to Indonesia, labeled iava minore . North is on the right side. Below a map...
Antique woodcut map of Borneo, Thailand, Sumatra, Indonesia. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Sebastian Münster: Die Länder Asie nach ihrer gelegenheit bisz in Indiam werden in dieser Tafeln verzeichnet
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 [1578]
The earliest printed map of the Asian Continent. Asia is shown from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In Southeast Asia the islands Java Major and Minor are named, also Borneo and the Moluccas...
Coloured woodcut map of the Asian continent. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.
Sebastian Münster: Von Der Statt Und Dem Königreich Pego / Von der Insel Sumatra
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1550
Small woodcut view of Bago in Myanmar (formerly Pego). On verso, a depiction of a nutmeg tree in Sumatra.From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, titled Cosmographey oder...
Antique woodcut town view of Bago, Myanmar. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1550.
Tomaso Porcacchi: Isole Molucche - Isole Molvcche - Descrittione dell'Isola Molucche
Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro, Venice, 1572
First edition of Porcacchi's very attractive and early map of the East Indies and Indochina. This finely-executed map is one of the earliest obtainable maps of Southeast Asia and shows Malaysia,...
Antique map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Venice by Simon Galignani, Girolamo Porro in 1572.
Abraham Ortelius: Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, nova descriptio. Auctore Ludovico Georgio.
A. Ortelius, Antwerp, circa 1587
Ortelius' Stunning Map of China with Old Colour.Old coloured map of China by Abraham Ortelius. The map is oriented to the west, north is on the right side. This is the first map of China ever...
Old coloured map of China. Printed in Antwerp by A. Ortelius circa 1587.
Olivier van Noort: La Baye la Baye
Isaac Commelin, Amsterdam, 1602 [1646]
The earliest Western individual depiction of the Gulf of Albay.Very rare map of the Gulf of Albay in the southern Luzon province of the Philippines by Olivier Van Noort. First published in...
Coloured map of the Gulf of Albay, Luzon, Samar, Philippines. Printed in Amsterdam by Isaac Commelin in 1646.
Jodocus Hondius: India Orientalis
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1623
One of the Most Beautiful Early Maps of Southeast Asia.Antique map of the Indian subcontinent with the Philippines and parts of Indonesia by Jodocus Hondius. Shows Southeast Asia between...
Coloured map of the Philippines, Thailand, China, India. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1623.
Johannes Janssonius: Insularum Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio.
G. Valk and P. Schenk, Amsterdam, 1630 (1690)
Janssonius' map of Southeast Asia coloured by a contemporary hand. Re-issued by G. Valk and P. Schenk with modified title and signature. Decorated with three cartouches, two compass roses, ships...
Old coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by G. Valk and P. Schenk in 1690.
Johannes Janssonius: Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
One of the Earliest Editions of Janssonius' Important Map of Southeast Asia.Johannes Janssonius' 1630 map is a significant early depiction of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Australia....
Coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.
Out of stockJodocus Hondius: Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae, In quibus Moluccae celeberrime sunt
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
The Most Elegant and Decorative Map of the Region (Thomas Suarez)This map by the Dutch mapmaker Jodocus Hondius depicts the European knowledge of the East Indies, which became increasingly...
Coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.
Johannes Janssonius: Insularum Moluccarum Nova Descriptio.
Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1633
This beautiful map shows the famed Spice Islands, crucial to the Dutch trading empire in the East Indies during the 17th Century. It shows the Indonesian archipelago of the Moluccas between...
Coloured map of Spice Islands, Indonesia, Moluccas. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius in 1633.
Willem Janszoon Blaeu: China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame dicta
J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1634
Blaeu's first Map of China.Old coloured map of China by Willem Blaeu. China is outlined in green and bounded by the Great Wall in the north. Korea is still depicted as an island. The...
Old coloured map of China. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu in 1634.
Johannes Janssonius: Sinus Gangeticus, Vulgo Golfo De Bengala Nova descriptio.
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650
Rare and very decorative, old coloured sea chart of the Bay of Bengal by J. Janssonius. Shows the north-eastern part of the Indian Ocean with Sri Lanka, the east coast of India, Bangladesh,...
Old coloured sea chart of the Gulf of Bengal. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1650.
Johannes van Keulen: Pascaert vande Zuyd Zee en een Gedeelte van Brasil Van Ilhas de Ladronos tot R. de la Plata
J. van Keulen, Amsterdam, 1680
Dramatic Sea Chart of the Pacific with California Depicted as an Island. Johannes van Keulen's very decorative chart of the Pacific Ocean. Shows the Pacific Ocean with North and South America....
Coloured sea chart of the Pacific Ocean. Printed in Amsterdam by J. van Keulen in 1680.
Johannes Janssonius: Insula Borneo et occidentalis pars Celebis cum adiacentibus Insulis
Valk & Schenk, Amsterdam, circa 1690
Rare and very decorative old colored sea chart of Borneo by J. Janssonius. Shows the island belonging to Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei in the Malay Archipelago. West oriented sea chart. Decorated...
Sea chart of Borneo, Malaysia, Indonesia. Printed in Amsterdam by Valk & Schenk circa 1690.
Nicolas de Fer: Plan de Batavia
Fer, N., Paris, 1696
Plan of Jakarta former Batavia the Dutch colonial capital in Indonesia by Nicolas de Fer. The title and key cartouche identifies 41 locations. From Les Forces de l'Europe .
Antique map of Batavia, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Printed in Paris by Fer, N. in 1696.
Vincenzo Maria Coronelli: Isole dell'Indie diuise in Filippine, Molucche, e della Sonda
Venice, 1696
Coronelli's map of Southeast Asia with the northern part of Australia, centred around Borneo. Verso a smaller map (22x28cm) of the adjoining western region up to Ceylon with Malaysia at centre....
Antique map of Northern Australia, Borneo. Printed in Venice in the year 1696.
Valk & Schenk: Sumatrae et Insularum Locorum que Nonnull Orum Cir-cumia Centium Tabula Noua
P. Schenk and G. Valk, Amsterdam, circa 1710
A very decorative, old coloured seachart of Sumatra with the southern part of Malaysia. Numerous place names including Palimbam (Palembang) and Atchem (Banda Aceh) at the coast line. Beautiful...
Old coloured map of Malaysia, Indonesia, Sumatra. Printed in Amsterdam by P. Schenk and G. Valk circa 1710.
Pieter van der Aa: La Ville d'Amboine. Capitale des Iles Molucques.
Amsterdam, 1719
Attractive view of Ambon (Moluccas) by Pierre van der Aa. Shows the capital of Ambon Island with several ships in foreground during the the Dutch golden age in Indonesia with the Dutch East India...
Vintage view of Ambon Island of the Moluccas in Indonesia. Published in Amsterdam in 1719.
Jakob van der Schley: Amboine
Amsterdam, circa 1750
Attractive view of Ambon (Moluccas) by Jacob van der Schley. Shows the capital of Ambon Island with several shipsin foreground during the the Dutch golden age in Indonesia with the Dutch East India...
Vintage view of Ambon Island of the Moluccas in Indonesia. Published in Amsterdam around 1750.
Jakob van der Schley: Vue de l' Isle Onrust / Gezigt van't Eiland Onrust.
Amsterdam, circa 1760
A view of the V.O.C. wharf on the island of Onrust, located near Jakarta.
Vintage view of the wharf of V.O.C. near Jakarta in Indonesia. Published in Amsterdam around 1750.
Benedetto Bordone: Ciampagu - Iava Maggiore [Japan and Borneo]
Venice, 1528-1565
The earliest Europe-printed map of Japan as an islandEarly and very important map of Japan by Benedetto Bordone. On verso a map of the Southeast Asia islands Java or Borneo (Java Majjiore),...
Antique woodcut map of Japan. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.