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Pedro de Medina was born in Seville in 1493. He was a Spanish cartographer, geographer, astronomer and author of important works on navigation. He served as a librarian for the Duke of Medina-Sidonia and compiled maps and devices for navigation on behalf of Emperor Charles V (Carlos I). 1549 he was appointed Cosmografo de Honor.
His famous major work Arte de navegar (The Art of Navigation) was published in 1545. The book was an overview of the existing knowledge on the subject and is regarded as the most influential work of the 16th century on navigation. Even Francis Drake carried a French edition from 1554.
Pedro de Medina: Nuevo Mundo
Francisco Frenandez de Cordova, Valladolid, 1545
Real First Edition of Medina's Very Rare Map of America and the Atlantic.Very rare and important first edition of the map of America and the Atlantic from Pedro de Medina's Arte de Navegar...
Woodcut sea chart of the Atlantic Ocean. Printed in Valladolid by Francisco Frenandez de Cordova in 1545.