Antique Maps of Russia

  • Martin Waldseemüller:  Secunda Asiae tabula

    Johannes Schott, Strasbourg, 1513 or 1520

    Rare woodcut map of Central Russia from M. Waldseemuller of 1513/1520. With the Crimea peninsula.Shows the area between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea with the Crimea peninsula and Caspian...

    Secunda Asiae tabula
    1513 - Martin Waldseemüller

    Antique woodcut map of the Caucasus, Caspian Sea, Crimea. Printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Schott in 1513 or 1520.

    2 900,00 €
  • Benedetto Bordone:  Taurica chersonso

    Venice, 1528-1565

    Rare woodcut map of the Crimea by Benedetto Bordone. Showing the Crimean peninsula with parts of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the southern part of the Ukraine.From Libro di Benedetto...

    Taurica chersonso
    1528 - Benedetto Bordone

    Antique woodcut map of the Crimea. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.

    750,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Sarmatia Asie / Das Asiatisch Sarmatia. Das Wasser Rha nennen die Reussen Volga / die Tartern Edel.

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early woodcut map of the Caucasus between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea by Sebastian Munster. With the rivers Volga and Don in the north, and the Tigris and Euphrates in the south. Shows today...

    Sarmatia Asie / Das Asiatisch Sarmatia. Das Wasser Rha nennen die...
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of the Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Volga. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    210,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Von den Moscowytern / Moscowyterland

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early woodcut map of western Russia by Sebastian Münster. Showing the region between Kiev and the Caspian Sea in the south, and between the Baltic Sea and the Ob river in the north. On the full...

    Von den Moscowytern / Moscowyterland
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of Moscow. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    200,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo, Edita Londini Anno...

    Antwerp, 1584

    Fascinating copper engraved map of Russia by A. Ortelius in stunning original colors. Showing the region from the Baltic Sea, Lithuania and the Black Sea to the Sur River, Tashkent, the Kossack...

    Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono...
    1584 - Abraham Ortelius

    Old coloured map of Siberia, Moscow. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1584.

    1 900,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Taurica Chersonesus nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara Dicitur

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    This is the first state of Mercator's depiction of Crimea, known in ancient times as Taurica Chersonesus.Notable places like Moscow, Smolensk, Kiev, and Chernobyl are easily identifiable on...

    Taurica Chersonesus nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara Dicitur
    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of the Ukraine. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    650,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Lithuania

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Beautiful coloured antique map of Lithuania by Gerard Mercator. This is the first large format map exclusively dedicated to Lithuania, created by Mercator and published by Jodocus Hondius. It...

    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    850,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Russia cum Confinijs

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    A very fine example of the first map of Russia by Gerard Mercator. First published in 1595 in his famous Atlas. Mercator's attention to detail established a new standard for Russian maps,...

    Russia cum Confinijs
    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Russia. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    1 200,00 €
  • Jodocus Hondius:  Tartaria

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    This beautiful map of the Tartary, first published by Jodocus Hondius in Amsterdam in 1606, vividly depicts East Asia, with a focus on Tartary, Central Asia, and Asiatic Russia.Noteworthy...

    1633 - Jodocus Hondius

    Coloured map of Russia. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    950,00 €
  • Johannes Janssonius:  Nova et Accurata Wolgae Fluminis, olim Rha Dicti Delineatio

    Johannes van Waesbergen, Moses Pitt, London, circa 1680

    Attractive engraved map of the Volga with original old colours. Showing the river in two vertical strips from Veliky Novgorod to Astrakhan where it discharges into the Caspian Sea. With three...

    Nova et Accurata Wolgae Fluminis, olim Rha Dicti Delineatio
    1680 - Johannes Janssonius

    Coloured map of the Volga. Printed in London by Johannes van Waesbergen, Moses Pitt circa 1680.

    720,00 €
  • Johannes Janssonius:  Dwinae Fluvii, Nova Descriptio

    Johannes van Waesbergen, Moses Pitt, London, circa 1680

    Attractive engraved map of the Northern Dvina with original old colours. Showing the river in three horizontal strips from its fountain to Arkhangelsk where it discharges into the White Sea. With...

    Dwinae Fluvii, Nova Descriptio
    1680 - Johannes Janssonius

    Coloured map of Sewernaja Dwina, Northern Dvina. Printed in London by Johannes van Waesbergen, Moses Pitt circa 1680.

    680,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Ducatuum Livoniae, et Curlandiae, Nova Tabula...

    Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam, circa 1680

    Old coloured antique map of the Baltic region by Frederick de Wit. With Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the east coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland in the north. Decorated with a...

    Ducatuum Livoniae, et Curlandiae, Nova Tabula...
    1680 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit circa 1680.

    520,00 €
  • Frederick de Wit:  Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula...

    Frederick de Wit, Amsterdam, um 1680

    Scarce, old coloured antique map of the Baltic region by Frederick de Wit. With Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Eastern part of Poland. Oriented to the West. Decorated with a beautiful title...

    Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula...
    1680 - Frederick de Wit

    Old coloured map of Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit circa 1680.

    1 600,00 €
  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Tabula Geographica qua pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor ...

    J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720

    Unusual map of South Russia with the Black Sea region and the Ukraine in original old colours. Extends from Moscow to Constantinople. The waters of the Dnieper and Danube are shown as currents in...

    Tabula Geographica qua pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare...
    1720 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of the Black Sea. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.

    650,00 €
  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Nova Mappa Geographica Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache, et Paludis Maeotidis ...

    Augsburg, circa 1730

    Old coloured engraved map of the Sea of Azov. Showing parts of the Crimean Peninsula with Feodosiya (Kaffa) and Kerch (Kirtz) in the lower left and parts of Southwest Russia with the city of Azov...

    Nova Mappa Geographica Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache, et Paludis...
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Old coloured map of the Sea of Azov. Printed in Augsburg circa 1730.

    350,00 €
  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Mappae Imperii Moscovitici Pars Septentrionalis

    Augsburg, circa 1730

    Beautiful, old-colored engraved map of the western part of Russia by Matthaeus Seutter. Shows the area of Murmansk in the northwest, the White Sea, Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga with St. Petersburg, up...

    Mappae Imperii Moscovitici Pars Septentrionalis
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Old coloured map of Moskwa, Moscow. Printed in Augsburg circa 1730.

    550,00 €
  • Guillaume de l'Isle:  Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations... /...

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Old coloured antique map of Russia with Siberia and Korea after Guillaume de l'Isle. This is the Covens & Mortier edition of the detailed map by G. de l'Isle. Shows the Russian Empire from Moscow...

    Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de...
    1730 - Guillaume de l'Isle

    Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    790,00 €
  • Guillaume de l'Isle:  Carte de Moscovie. Dressee par Guillaume De l'Isle...

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Large, old coloured map of the western part of Russia by Guillaume de l'Isle. The map is printed on two sheets, below size is for one sheet each. If joined, the size of the map is 97cm x 62cm ....

    Carte de Moscovie. Dressee par Guillaume De l'Isle...
    1730 - Guillaume de l'Isle

    Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    690,00 €
  • George Matthäus Seutter:  Novissima et Accuratissima Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae

    G. M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730

    Rare first edition of the map of the Duchy of Lithuania by Georg Matthäus Seutter. Shows the Baltic States with Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the northeast of Poland, in the south the northern part...

    Novissima et Accuratissima Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae
    1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    Old coloured map of Latvia, Lithuania. Printed in Augsburg by G. M. Seutter circa 1730.

    1 400,00 €
  • Antoine du Chaffat:  Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus ... [and] Theatrum Belli Ao MDCCXXXVII ... [and]...

    Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, circa 1740

    Two very rare maps of Crimea with an explanation sheet.Two old coloured engraved maps of the Russian-Turkish War by Antonie du Chaffat. The maps show parts of the Ukraine, the Black Sea and...

    Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus ... [and] Theatrum Belli...
    1740 - Antoine du Chaffat

    Old coloured map of the Crimea, Russo-Turkish War. Printed in Saint Petersburg by Academy of Sciences circa 1740.

    2 600,00 €
  • Emanuel Bowen:  A New & Accurate Map of Moscovy, or Russia in Europe, with its Acquisitions ...

    E. Bowen, London, 1747

    Decorative engraved map of Russia by Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Showing the region from northern part of Norway to the Black sea in the south. With one decorative cartouche, a...

    A New & Accurate Map of Moscovy, or Russia in Europe, with its...
    1747 - Emanuel Bowen

    Antique map of Russia. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.

    380,00 €
  • Gilles Robert de Vaugondy:  Nouvelle représentation Des Côtes Nord et Est de l'Asie : pour servir d'éclaircissement aux...

    Paris, 1772

    Engraved map with three opposing theories on the Northeast Passage in the Northeast of Asia and the American Northwest. Shows an unusual representation of the Kamchatka Peninsula, with Japan,...

    Nouvelle représentation Des Côtes Nord et Est de l'Asie : pour servir...
    1772 - Gilles Robert de Vaugondy

    Antique map of Russia. Printed in Paris in the year 1772.

    190,00 €
  • Johann Baptist Homann:  Charte von Russisch Litauen, welche die von Polen an Russland Abgetretene Woiewodschaften,...

    Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1775

    A rare map of Belarus, with parts of the Ukraine and Lithuania. Marking the Dnieper and Dwiner rivers, with the towns of Polack, Orsha & Mogilev. With many details.

    Charte von Russisch Litauen, welche die von Polen an Russland...
    1775 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Old coloured map of the Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1775.

    550,00 €
  • Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly:  General-Karte von dem Russischen Reiche in Europa

    Reilly, Vienna, 1791

    Antique map of Russia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the European part of Russia from the Black Sea to Arkhangelsk and Novaya Zemlya.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas...

    General-Karte von dem Russischen Reiche in Europa
    1791 - Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly

    Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.

    220,00 €
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