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Anonymous: Io. Antonius Maginus Pat. Mathemat. In Bonon. Gymn. Profess.
A large portrait of Giovanni Antonio Magini engraved by H. David.
Copper engraving of a portrait. Giovanni Antonio Magini. Printed in the year 1632.
Anonymous: Byllemer-Meer
circa 1660
Old coloured engraved polder map of Bijlmermeer. Showing Bijlmermeer southeast of Amsterdam.
Old coloured map of Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: De Purmer / de Wormer
circa 1660
Old coloured engraved polder map of Purmer and Wormer. Two maps on one sheet. Showing the area northwest of Amsterdam.
Old coloured map of Wormer, Purmer, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: Beemster
circa 1660
Old coloured engraved polder map of Beemster. Showing Beemster north of Amsterdam.
Old coloured map of Beemster, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: Caerte van de Heer-Huygen-Waert
circa 1660
Old coloured engraved polder map of Heerhugowaard. Showing Heerhugowaard north of Amsterdam.
Old coloured map of Heerhugowaard, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: De Zype
circa 1660
Old coloured engraved polder map of Zijpe in Noord-Holland. Showing Zijpe in the north of Amsterdam near Schagen.
Old coloured map of Zijpe, Schagen, Noord-Holland. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: La Zype - Die Zyp
circa 1660
Small, coloured engraved polder map of Zijpe in Noord-Holland. Showing Zijpe in the north of Amsterdam near Schagen.
Coloured map of Zijpe, Noord-Holland. Printed circa 1660.
Anonymous: Kaart der landeryen, gelegen aan of onder de rooyinge der Honderd Gaarden
Copper engraved map of the northwest of Amsterdam. Surveyed by B. van Groendyck in 1669.
Antique map of Amsterdam. Printed in the year 1669.
Anonymous: Erschrecklicher und Erbärmlicher Schaw Platz Verüblter Frantzösischer Schandt Brandt und...
circa 1675
Extremely rare, large engraved pamphlet on 4 sheets joined. Shows dramatic scenes during the French-Dutch War (1672-1679). The unusual dramatic scenes of violence for this time of printmaking are...
Extremely rare, large pamphlet of the French-Dutch War. Printed on 4 sheets in the year 1675.
Anonymous: [Donau Strom von Sigmaringen bis Donauwörth]
circa 1702
Important manuscript map of the Danube River in Upper Swabia on vellum.Very large, impressive and detailed manuscript map of the Danube river between Sigmaringen and Donauwörth. Drawn on...
Manuscript map on vellum of Upper Swabia. Drawn around 1702.
Anonymous: Plan de la Ville & Citadelle de Tournay Avec les lignes de Circonvalation: on y a joint aussi les...
Very rare town plan of Tournai (Doornik) in the Belgian Hainaut at the river Escaut. Showing the citadel and the walled border of the town.We could only find a few copies of this map in...
Antique map of Doornik, Tournai. Printed in the year 1709.
Anonymous: Vue perspective du superbe Palais du Comte Hoheit Margrave de Bareith à Erlang en Allemagne.
J. Chereau, Paris, circa 1740
Old colored copper engraving of Erlangen. Vue d'optique by J. Chereau, printed in Paris around 1730. Decorative view of the Palace of Erlangen from a half bird's-eye view with outbuildings and parks.
Old coloured town view of Schloss Erlangen. Printed in Paris by J. Chereau circa 1740.
Anonymous: Ch'onha chido [Atlas of all under Heaven]
circa 1750
A Scarce Korean Woodblock Atlas.Album with 9 woodblock maps from a traditional Korean woodblock atlas, printed mid 18th century. With a map of China with Korea and 8 maps of the provinces of...
Korean Woodblock Atlas, Ch'onha-Chido, Mid 18th Century
Anonymous: Plan du Chateau de Harburg. Rheinländische Ruthen.
circa 1757
A rare plan of the Castle of Harburg at the river Elbe close to Hamburg. Showing the castle during the siege by the French in the Seven Years' War. Engraved by J. C. Beck.
Antique map of Harburg, Hamburg. Printed circa 1757.
Anonymous: Plan de la fameuse Bataille de Leuthen entre les Armée de J. M. J. et R. et celle de J. M. le Roy...
A rare military plan of Leuthen in Silesia. Showing the Battle of Leuthen on 5 December 1757 during the Seven Years War. With one title cartouche and a key. We only could locate two copies of this...
Antique map of Leuthen, Silesia. Printed in the year 1757.
Anonymous: Plan Van Een Halve 6 Hoek na de Constructie Van de marchal de Vauban met een Wilkeurige Situatie...
Carefully executed cartographic study, based on the methods of the French military corps Ingénieurs-Géographes , established by Vauban in 1696. With a charming title cartouche Plan Van Een Halve...
Manuscript plan of a study on military cartography. Drawn in 1776.
Anonymous: Plan Van Een Halve 6 Hoek na de Constructie Van de marchal de Vauban met een Wilkeurige Situatie...
Carefully executed cartographic study, based on the methods of the French military corps Ingénieurs-Géographes , established by Vauban in 1696. With a charming title cartouche Plan Van Een Halve...
Manuscript plan of a study on military cartography. Drawn in 1777.
Anonymous: [Aa-Berlicum-Erp]
circa 1780
Charming and very detailed manuscript map of the river Aa from the late 18th century.Very detailed and elegantly executed manuscript map of the river Aa in Noord-Brabant between Berlicum and...
Manuscript map of the river Aa in Noord-Brabant between Berlicum and Erp. Created around 1780.
Anonymous: Neu York oder Neu Amsterdam
Knach, circa 1800
A charming manuscript drawing on vellum in brown ink of New York, signed 'Knach' with a German title 'Neu York oder Neu Amsterdam'. Around 1800. Provenance: A Swiss private collection.
Manuscript drawing on vellum of New York. Around 1800.
Anonymous: Ch'onha Chido [Atlas of all under Heaven]
circa 1800
A Scarce Korean Manuscript Atlas.Rare Korean manuscript atlas with 12 maps, produced around 1800. With a world map (Chonha-Do) with China in the center, a map of China with Korea, a map of...
Korean Manuscript Atlas, Ch'onha-Chido, around 1800
Anonymous: Ch'onha Chido [Atlas of all under Heaven]
circa 1820
A Scarce Korean Manuscript Atlas.Album with 11 manuscript maps from a traditional Korean manuscript atlas, drawn in the early 19th century. With a China-centered world map (Chonha-Do), a map...
Korean Manuscript Atlas, Ch'onha-Chido, early 19th Century
Anonymous: Palimpsest 1100 / 1300
1100 (1300)
A palimpsest with first hand writing partly erased from around 1100. On top of it, a Gothic script from around 1300. On parchment which was formerly used as part of a book cover.
Manuscript on parchment written during the 12th and 14th century.
Anonymous: [Celestial Chart - Himmelskarte]
Vienna, before 1569
Unrecorded Star Map of the 16th Century.A large, scarce 16th century celestial chart of the northern sky. We could not locate any bibliographical information about this engraving. It is...
Exceptionally rare star map of the northern sky. Most likely printed in Vienna before 1569.
Anonymous: Narciße oder Tazette mit weisen blättern und gelben blumen kelch / Gelbe Narciße oder Tazette
circa 1600
Old hand coloured copper engraving of a white and yellow narcissus.
Copper engraving of a plant. Narcissus. Printed circa 1600.