Antique Maps and Atlases

We offer rare maps by the most famous cartographers, sea charts from the Age of Discovery and atlases printed almost 500 years ago.

Only authentic antique maps dating from the 15th to the 19th centuries. - Guaranteed.

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  • 1628 - Jodocus Hondius

    Jodocus Hondius:  China

    Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1628

    Impressive antique map of China, Japan and Korea by Jodocus Hondius. First published in the Mercator-Hondius Atlas of 1606.At the beginning of the 17th century, little is known about this...


    Coloured map of China. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1628.

    2 700,00 €
  • 1638 - Jodocus Hondius

    Jodocus Hondius:  Americae pars Meridionalis

    Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1638

    Beautiful map of the South American continent by Henricus Hondius. This map offers a wealth of geographical detail concerning South America, complemented by several vignettes depicting indigenous...

    Americae pars Meridionalis

    Coloured map of South America. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1638.

    1 500,00 €
  • 1730 - Carel Allard

    Carel Allard:  Hyberniae Regni in Provincias Ultoniam, Connachian, Lageniam, Momoniamq Divisi Tabula...

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Rare old coloured antique map of Ireland by Carel Allard. This is the edition by Covens and Mortier. Two impressive cartouches, numerous sailing ships in the Atlantic and Irish Seas. Very nice...

    Hyberniae Regni in Provincias Ultoniam, Connachian, Lageniam, Momoniamq...

    Old coloured map of Ireland. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    1 300,00 €
  • 1540 - Sebastian Münster

    Sebastian Münster:  Ptolemaisch General Tafel, begreiffend die halbe Kugel der Welt.

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)

    Early Ptolemaic woodcut world map by Sebastian Münster. With a surround of clouds and wind-heads. Title on verso surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German edition of Sebastian...

    Ptolemaisch General Tafel, begreiffend die halbe Kugel der Welt.

    Ptolemaic woodcut world map by Sebastian Munster. Published by Heinrich Petri in Basel in 1578.

    1 800,00 €
  • 1528 - Benedetto Bordone

    Benedetto Bordone:  [Map of Europe]

    Venice, 1528-1565

    Bordone's map of EuropeEarly woodcut map of Europe by Benedetto Bordone. One of the erliest printed maps of Europe. Shows Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa in the south and Norway...

    [Map of Europe]

    Antique woodcut map of the European continent. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.

    2 700,00 €
  • 1604 - Braun & Hogenberg

    Braun & Hogenberg:  Descriptio Agri Civitatis Coloniensis Cum Suis Limitibus... Beschreibung und abris des...

    Abraham Hogenberg, Cologne, 1604-1610

    Extremely rare map of Greater Cologne printed from 4 plates.This extremely rare map by Abraham Hogenberg, printed from 4 copper plates, is one of the rarest sheets in the field of Cologne...

    Descriptio Agri Civitatis Coloniensis Cum Suis Limitibus... Beschreibung...

    Coloured map of Cologne, Köln. Printed in Cologne by Abraham Hogenberg between 1604 and 1610.

    12 000,00 €

New Additions

  • 1720 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Johann Baptist Homann:  Ducatus Franciae Orientalis seu Sac. Rom. Imperii Principatus et Episcopatus Herbipolensis.

    J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720

    Old colored, very detailed antique map of Franconia by J. B. Homann. From Tann (Rhön) in the north to Rothenburg in the south, in the east from Lichtenfels to Aschaffenburg in the west. With...

    Ducatus Franciae Orientalis seu Sac. Rom. Imperii Principatus et...

    Old coloured map of Franconia. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.

    280,00 €
  • 1740 - Johann Baptist Homann

    Johann Baptist Homann:  Accurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der Neu-entdeckten Schalck-Welt, oder des so offt benannten, und...

    Homann Erben, circa 1740

    The Famous Sought After Fantasy Map of Utopia.Schlaraffenland means Land of Cockaigne or Land of milk and honey in German and represents a country of idleness and luxury. This is a...

    Accurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der Neu-entdeckten Schalck-Welt, oder...

    Old coloured map of Utopia, Land of Cockaigne. Printed by Homann Erben circa 1740.

    1 700,00 €
  • 1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    George Matthäus Seutter:  Planisphaerium coeleste

    M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730

    Beautiful double hemisphere celestial chart of the northern and southern sky with allegorical constellations by Matthäus Seutter. The star map is surrounded by seven smaller astronomical diagrams....

    Planisphaerium coeleste

    Old coloured celestial map. Printed in Augsburg by M. Seutter circa 1730.

    1 500,00 €
  • 1730 - Guillaume de l'Isle

    Guillaume de l'Isle:  Partie Septentrionale de la Souabe

    Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730

    Antique map of northern Württemberg and Franken by Guillaume de l'Isle. This is the Covens & Mortier edition of the detailed map by G. de l'Isle. Showing the area Hornberg, Nuremberg, Stuttgart. In...

    Partie Septentrionale de la Souabe

    Old coloured map of Nordwürttemberg, Franken. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.

    300,00 €
  • 1730 - George Matthäus Seutter

    George Matthäus Seutter:  Bavariae Pars Superior, designatis Confinibus etiam Provinciis

    G. M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730

    Antique map of Upper Bavaria by G. M. Seutter. Shows the area from Donauwörth to Hof and Füssen to Bad Reichenhall. With Augsburg, Freising, Ingolstadt, Munich and Traunstein. At upper right an...

    Bavariae Pars Superior, designatis Confinibus etiam Provinciis

    Old coloured map of Oberbayern. Printed in Augsburg by G. M. Seutter circa 1730.

    400,00 €
  • 1635 - Willem Janszoon Blaeu

    Willem Janszoon Blaeu:  Comitatus Marchia et Ravensberg

    Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, circa 1635

    Antique map of the counties of Mark and Ravensberg by W. J. Blaeu. At the bottom centre a large cartouche with the coats of arms of the two counties. At the bottom left a small map of the county of...

    Comitatus Marchia et Ravensberg

    Coloured map of Mark and Ravensberg. Printed in Amsterdam by Joan Blaeu circa 1635.

    380,00 €
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