Antique Maps by Lodovico Ughi

Lodovico Ughi was a Venetian mapmaker active during the first half of the 18th century. Unfortunately, very little is known about Lodovico Ughi. His topographical map of Venice is a landmark in the cartographic history of Venice and one of the largest maps of Venice ever published. Ughi's plan of Venice is the first based on accurate field surveys.
  • Lodovico Ughi:  Iconografica Rappresentatione della Inclita Città di Venezia Consacrata al Reggio Serenissimo...

    Lodovico Furlanetto, Venice, 1729 [1739]

    Ughi's Important and Rare Wall Map of Venice.Lodovico Ughi, the author or dedicator of the map, remains a rather elusive historical figure, with limited information available about his life...

    Iconografica Rappresentatione della Inclita Città di Venezia Consacrata...
    1729 - Lodovico Ughi

    Antique map of Venice, Venezia. Printed in Venice by Lodovico Furlanetto in 1739.

    28 000,00 €
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