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Laurent Fries: Tabula V. Europae
J. Grüninger, Strasbourg, 1525
Early woodcut map of Southeast Europe with the Balkans by Laurent Fries after Ptolemy. From the early Strasbourg edition of Ptolemy's Geographia of 1525. Showing the area between Lake Constance...
Antique woodcut map of the Balkan. Printed in Strasbourg by J. Grüninger in 1525.
Benedetto Bordone: [Losinj, Cres, Ossero, Trogir, Svetac, Brac, Ciovo]
Venice, 1528-1565
Woodcut map of Croatian east coast of the Adriatic Sea with the Kvarner Bay and Dalmatia by Benedetto Bordone. Shows the islands of Cres (Cherso), Losinj (Ossero), Istria, Krk (Vegia) and Rab...
Antique woodcut map of Krk, Ossero, Cres, Losinj, Dalmatia, Croatia. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Benedetto Bordone: Parte de Schiavonia, Mazorbo, Chiozza
Venice, 1528-1565
Early woodcut map of Dalmatia by Benedetto Bordone. Showing the Croatian east coast of the Adriatic Sea with the islands of Krk (Vegia), Kres (Cherso), Rab (Arbe) and Pag (Pago), and the Dalmatian...
Antique woodcut map of Pag, Rab, Kres, Krk, Mazzorbo, Chioggia. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Benedetto Bordone: Liezena, Curzola, S. ma de Tremidi
Venice, 1528-1565
Rare maps of the islands Hvar (Liezena), Korčula and San Nicola in the Adriatic Sea by Benedetto Bordone on one sheet. Showing the Croatian islands of Hvar with the island of Brač and Korčula with...
Antique woodcut map of Tremiti, Korcula, Hvar, Dalmatia, Adria. Printed in Venice between 1528 and 1565.
Sebastian Münster: Sclavonia oder Windisch Marck, Bossen, Crabaten
Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574
Early woodcut map of the Balkan by Sebastian Munster. Showing Croatia and Slovenia with parts of Austria and Bosnia. The title on verso is surrounded by a beautiful woodcut border. From the German...
Antique woodcut map of Dalmatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.
Gerard de Jode: Natoliam Moderni / Turcia Turci Cive Imperii
G. de Jode, Antwerp, 1578
From The Rare First Atlas Edition. Rare first edition of the antique map of the Ottoman Empire by Gerard de Jode. Shows the eastern Mediterranean, the southeast of Europe, Asia Minor with...
Antique map of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish Empire. Printed in Antwerp by G. de Jode in 1578.
Abraham Ortelius: Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio,...
Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1598
Old coloured antique map of the Western Balkans by Abraham Ortelius. Showing Croatia with Istria and Dalmatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Adriatic Sea. In the north to Carinthia and...
Coloured map of Croatia, Adriatic Sea, Western Balkans. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1598.
Gerard Mercator: Walachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1607-08
Old coloured map of the Eastern Balkans by Jodocus Hondius. Shows the Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, in the south Macedonia, in the east the west coast of the Black Sea. First published...
Old coloured map of the Eastern Balkans with Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. Printed in Amsterdam by Jodocus Hondius in 1607.
Gerard Mercator: Macedonia Epirus et Achaia
Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1623
Old coloured antique map of Northern Greece and the Eastern Balkans by Gerard Mercator. With Albania, Macedonia, Corfu and the north of Greece. To the lower left a title cartouche with a skull....
Old coloured map of Greece. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1623.
Gerard Mercator: Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae Parte
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Beautiful hand colored map of the Western Balkan by G. Mercator. Showing today Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Serbia, and extends from the northern banks of the Drava River to the...
Coloured map of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Gerard Mercator: Graecia
H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Antique map of Greece with the Greek Islands, the Aegean Sea and part of Asia Minor by Gerard Mercator. A beautiful title cartouche to the lower left. From the French edition of the...
Coloured map of Greece. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.
Gerard Mercator: Walachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
Jodocus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633
Coloured map of the Eastern Balkans by Jodocus Hondius. Shows the Wallachia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, in the south Macedonia, in the east the west coast of the Black Sea. First published in...
Antique map of the Eastern Balkans with Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. Printed in Amsterdam by Jodocus Hondius in 1607.
Nicolas de Fer: Les Environs de Belgrade ou les Marches et les campemens des Imperiaux et des Turcs sont marquez.
Paris, 1717
A exceptionally rare and important separately issued plan of Belgrade by Nicolas de Fer. Showing the Siege of the Turks in 1696, 1697 and 1698 with deployment of troops. With one mileage scale...
Antique map of Beograd, Belgrade. Printed in Paris in the year 1717.
Christoph Weigel: Ducatus Carnioliae accuratissima delineatio
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Antique map of Croatia and Slovenia by Christoph Weigel. Shows the Adriatic coast with Monfalcone, Trieste, Istria (Istra), Rijeka, the islands of Krk and Cres. In the north the Sava from Ljubljana...
Old coloured map of Croatia, Slovenia. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Johann Baptist Homann: Danubii Fluminis (hic ab Urbe Belgrado ...) Pars Infima in qua Transylvania, Walachia, Moldavia,...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Old coloured engraved map of the course of the river Danube by Johann Baptist Homann. Shows the Danube river from Belgrade in Serbia, along the border between Romania and Bulgaria up to the mouth...
Old coloured map of the Danube. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Johann Baptist Homann: Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Old coloured engraved map of the former Duchy of Carniola (Kranjska) by J.B. Homann. Shows today's Slovenia and Croatia. With an inset map of the Lake Cerknica (Cerkniško jezero) and a great view...
Old coloured map of Laibach, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Croatia. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Guillaume de l'Isle: Le Royaume de Hongrie et des Pays qui en Dependoient Autrefois / Nova et Accurata Regni Hungariae...
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Old coloured antique map of the Kingdom of Hungary by Guillaume de l'Isle. This is the Covens & Mortier edition of the detailed map by G. de l'Isle. Shows the eastern Balkans, Hungary, Romania,...
Old coloured map of Austria - Hungary. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.
Alexis Hubert Jaillot: Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe / Tabula Nova Imperii Turcarum
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Antique map of the Turkish Empire in Europe after Jaillot. This is the Covens & Mortier edition of the detailed map. With the eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Greece, the Balkans and Italy. A...
Old coloured map of Turkey. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.
Guillaume de l'Isle: L'Italie, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Antique map of Italy by Guillaume de l'Isle. This is the Covens & Mortier edition of the detailed map by G. de l'Isle. With Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily and the Balkans. A splendid title cartouche to...
Old coloured map of Italy. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1730.
George Matthäus Seutter: Belgradum sive Alba Graece, Serviae Metropolis ubi Savus fluvius Danubio misc... / Belgrad od....
T. Lotter, Augsburg, circa 1760
Large, old coloured plan of Belgrade by Matthaus Seutter. In the lower third a prospect of the city. Title cartouche in the upper left corner, to the left a key with explanation of the letters in...
Old coloured city plan of Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia. Printed in Augsburg by T. Lotter circa 1760.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Die Landschaft Macedonien
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Macedonia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the historical area of Macedonia on the southern Balkan Peninsula.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over...
Old coloured map of Macedonia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Suedliche Theil des Koenigreichs Albanien mit der Landschaft Thessalien.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Albania and Macedonia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the southern part of Albania and the northern part of Greece with the island of Corfu.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile...
Old coloured map of Macedonia, Albania, Corfu. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der noerdliche Theil des Koenigreichs Dalmatien
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Dalmatia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, the south of Croatia.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in...
Old coloured map of Croatia, Dalmatia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Koenigreichs Dalmatien türkischer Antheil
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Herzegovina by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the area from Prozor in the north over Mostar to Trebinje in the south.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with...
Old coloured map of Herzegovina, Dalmatia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.