
  • Sebastian Münster:  Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald, Otenwald und Nordgoew.

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1574)

    Early woodcut map of southern Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Covering the area beween the Lake Constance, Strasbourg, Bamberg and Passau, centred around Ulm. The title on...

    Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald,...
    1540 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of Swabia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    360,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald, Otenwald und Nordgoew.

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)

    Early woodcut map of southern Germany by Sebastian Münster. Oriented to the South. Covering the area beween the Lake Constance, Strasbourg, Bamberg and Passau, centred around Ulm. The title on...

    Schwaben und Beyerland, darbey auch begriffen werden Schwartzwald,...
    1540 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of Swabia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.

    350,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Franckenland am Main, beschriben nach aller gelegenheit in Stetten, Wassern, Bergen, Walden und...

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1540 (1578)

    Early woodcut map of Franconia by Sebastian Münster oriented to the South. Showing the region around the river Main. With Nuremberg, Schweinfurt, Bamberg, Würzburg, Fürth, Erlangen, Coburg and...

    Franckenland am Main, beschriben nach aller gelegenheit in Stetten,...
    1540 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of Franconia, Bavaria. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1578.

    350,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Die Eydtgnoschafft oder Schwitzerland, mit den anstossenden Lendern

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1550

    Early woodcut map of Switzerland by Sebastian Münster. Showing the German-speaking part of Switzerland with adjacent countries, Baden, Upper Swabia, Black Forest, Breisgau, Alsace, Vorarlberg. The...

    Die Eydtgnoschafft oder Schwitzerland, mit den anstossenden Lendern
    1550 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of Switzerland. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1550.

    390,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero / Circulus sive Liga Sueviae,...

    Antwerp, 1574

    Antique map of the northern region of Switzerland and southern Germany by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum...

    Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero /...
    1574 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Basel, Switzerland. Printed in Antwerp in the year 1574.

    450,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Fryburg im Briszgoew ein neuwe Statt an einem edlen und fruchtbaren orth gelegen, do ein...

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Large, early woodcut view of Freiburg im Breisgau by Sebastian Munster on the full double sheet. With coat of arms in a text ribbon. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography,...

    Fryburg im Briszgoew ein neuwe Statt an einem edlen und fruchtbaren orth...
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut town view of Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    270,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Von dem Elsasz, und seiner grossen fruchtbarkeit, dem kein Land am Rheinstrom mag verglichen werden.

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early, small woodcut map of the Alsatia (Alsace) by Sebastian Münster. Showing the course of the river Rhine from Basel to Strasbourg. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography,...

    Von dem Elsasz, und seiner grossen fruchtbarkeit, dem kein Land am...
    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut map of the Alsace, Alsatia, Black Forest. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    80,00 €
  • Sebastian Münster:  Elbwangen

    Heinrich Petri, Basle, 1574

    Early woodcut view of Ellwangen in Baden-Württemberg. From the German edition of Sebastian Münster's Cosmography, Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder , on the full text sheet. The sheet...

    1574 - Sebastian Münster

    Antique woodcut town view of Ellwangen, Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Basle by Heinrich Petri in 1574.

    100,00 €
  • Gerard de Jode:  Wirtenbergensis Ducatus Elegans Delineatio / Palatinatus Superioris

    G. de Jode, Antwerp, 1578

    Copper engraved map of Wurttemberg and the northern part of Bavaria by Gerard de Jode. Two maps printed from one plate. The round Wurttemberg map is sourrounded by four wind heads and based on the...

    Wirtenbergensis Ducatus Elegans Delineatio / Palatinatus Superioris
    1578 - Gerard de Jode

    Antique map of Bavaria, Wurttemberg. Printed in Antwerp by G. de Jode in 1578.

    900,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Palatinus Bavariae descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore / Wirtenbergensis Ducatus Vera...

    Christoffel Plantin, Antwerp, 1579

    Antique map of Württemberg and the northern part of Bavaria by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis...

    Palatinus Bavariae descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore /...
    1579 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of Bavaria, Wurttemberg. Printed in Antwerp by Christoffel Plantin in 1579.

    520,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Wirtenberg Ducatus

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1592

    Very detailed, antique map of Württemberg by Abraham Ortelius. From the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius, first published in 1570. Embellished with elaborate...

    Wirtenberg Ducatus
    1592 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1592.

    520,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero / Circulus sive Liga Sueviae,...

    Plantin Press, Antwerp, 1595

    Antique map of the northern region of Switzerland and southern Germany by Abraham Ortelius. The two maps are printed from a copper plate and come from the first modern atlas, the famous Theatrum...

    Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero /...
    1595 - Abraham Ortelius

    Coloured map of the Lake Constance, Switzerland, Southern Germany. Printed in Antwerp by Plantin Press in 1595.

    480,00 €
  • Abraham Saur:  Heydelberg / Nurnberg

    W. Richter, Frankfurt, 1608

    Nice woodcut view of Heidelberg on front page and Nuremberg on back side on a full text sheet. From "Parvum Theatrum Urbium sive Urbium Praecipuarum totius orbis Brevis & Methodica Descriptio" by...

    Heydelberg / Nurnberg
    1608 - Abraham Saur

    Antique woodcut town view of Heidelberg / Nuremberg. Printed in Frankfurt by W. Richter in 1608.

    150,00 €
  • Abraham Ortelius:  Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio / Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio

    A. Ortelius, Antwerp, 1609-41

    Antique map of Upper Palatinate and the area around Strasbourg by A. Ortelius. Two maps on one sheet. The right map shows the Upper Rhine around Strasbourg with parts of the Alsace and the Black...

    Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio / Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio
    1609 - Abraham Ortelius

    Antique map of Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Antwerp by A. Ortelius in 1609.

    350,00 €
  • Antonio Albizzi:  Marchiones Badensis

    Custos, Augsburg, circa 1610

    Decorative copper engraving with a family tree of the margraves of Baden from 1155 to 1603, including a beautiful view of the Baden residence and a small regional map with Durlach/Karlsruhe,...

    Marchiones Badensis
    1610 - Antonio Albizzi

    Antique map of Baden. Printed in Augsburg by Custos circa 1610.

    190,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Alsatia inferior

    Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Early, beautiful coloured map of the Alsace (Basse-Alsace) by G. Mercator. This west-oriented map provides a depiction of the Rhine River's course, extending from Selz to Schoenau, encompassing a...

    Alsatia inferior
    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Strasbourg, Alsace. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.

    290,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Alsatia Superior cu Suntgoia & Brisgoia

    Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Early, beautiful coloured map of the Alsace (Haute-Alsace) by G. Mercator. This west-oriented map shows the course of the Rhine between Basel and Strasbourg, Baden with Breisgau, Upper Alsace and...

    Alsatia Superior cu Suntgoia & Brisgoia
    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of the Black Forest, Breisgau, Alsace. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.

    320,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Wirtenberg Ducatus

    Henricus Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Early, beautiful coloured map of Württemberg in South Germany by G. Mercator. Shows the area between Offenburg, Sigmaringen, Ulm and Heidelberg with Esslingen in the center. With Stuttgart,...

    Wirtenberg Ducatus
    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Coloured map of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by Henricus Hondius in 1633.

    390,00 €
  • Johannes Janssonius:  Nova Descriptio Palatinatus Rheni

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Beautifully coloured map of the Rhine Palatinate (Rheinpfalz) by J. Janssonius. With Bingen, Mainz, Frankfurt, Hanau, Heidelberg to Pforzheim and Heilbronn in the southeast and Worms in the centre....

    Nova Descriptio Palatinatus Rheni
    1633 - Johannes Janssonius

    Coloured map of Rheinpfalz. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    490,00 €
  • Gerard Mercator:  Zurichgow

    H. Hondius, Amsterdam, 1633

    Beautiful antique map of northern Switzerland by G. Mercator. Shows the area between Basel, Lucerne and Constance with Zurich in the centre. In the north-east the southern part of the Black Forest....

    1633 - Gerard Mercator

    Antique map of Northern Switzerland, Zürich. Printed in Amsterdam by H. Hondius in 1633.

    390,00 €
  • Willem Janszoon Blaeu:  Wirtenberg Ducatus

    Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1638

    Antique map of Württemberg by Joan Blaeu. Shows Southern Germany between Offenburg, Sigmaringen, Ulm and Heidelberg with Esslingen in the centre. Decorated with a title cartouche and a coat of...

    Wirtenberg Ducatus
    1638 - Willem Janszoon Blaeu

    Coloured map of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by Joan Blaeu in 1638.

    390,00 €
  • Willem Janszoon Blaeu:  Alemannia sive Suevia Superior A. Christophoro Hurtero.

    J. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1642-43

    Nice old coloured copper engraved map of Swabia by WJ Blaeu. The west-oriented map shows the Lake Constance and the Allgäu Alps and Vorarlberg left side and the Danube on the right third of the...

    Alemannia sive Suevia Superior A. Christophoro Hurtero.
    1642 - Willem Janszoon Blaeu

    Old coloured map of Swabia, Baden-Württemberg. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Blaeu in 1642.

    420,00 €
  • Matthäus Merian:  Wisenstaig

    M. Merian, Frankfurt, 1643

    Nice cityview of Wiesensteig close to Göppingen by M. Merian. From the 1643 edition of "Topographia Sveviae" by Matthaeus Merian printed and published in Frankfurt. The cityviews of Merian are...

    1643 - Matthäus Merian

    Antique town view of Wiesensteig, Schwäbische Alb, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Frankfurt by M. Merian in 1643.

    150,00 €
  • Matthäus Merian:  Villingen

    M. Merian, Frankfurt, 1643

    Nice cityview of Villingen-Schwenningen in the Black Forest by M. Merian. From the 1643 edition of "Topographia Sveviae" by Matthaeus Merian printed and published in Frankfurt. The cityviews of...

    1643 - Matthäus Merian

    Antique town view of Villingen-Schwenningen, Baden-Wurttemberg. Printed in Frankfurt by M. Merian in 1643.

    150,00 €
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