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Johannes Janssonius: Palatinatus ad Rhenum
Frederic de Wit, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Beautiful original old coloured map of Rhineland-Palatinate by J. Janssonius. With one nice cartouche, one coat-of-arms and a figural mileage scale. With Bingen, Mainz, Frankfurt, Hanau, Heidelberg...
Old coloured map of the Rhineland-Palatinate. Printed in Amsterdam by Frederic de Wit circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Thuringiae Nova Descriptio
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the Thuringia by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche, coat-of-arms and a mileage scale. With Erfurt in the centre. Rare separate issued sheet without the...
Antique map of Thuringia. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Comitatus Wertheimici Finitimarumque Regionum Nova et Exacta Descriptio
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the region around Wertheim at the river Main by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche. Covering the region between Gemünden, Klingenberg, Bad Mergentheim...
Antique map of Würzburg, Wertheim, Franken. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Albis Fluvius. Germaniae Celebris, a Fontibus ad Ostia ...
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the course of the river Elbe in two sections by J. Janssonius. With two cartouches. Rare separate issued sheet without the text on verso.
Antique map of the Elbe Course. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Waldeck Comitatus
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the region between Dortmund and Kassel by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche and a mileage scale. Covering the region between Meschede, Frankenberg,...
Antique map of Waldeck, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Ducatus Luneburgensis adiacentiumq Regionum Delineatio
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the region around Hamburg and Bremen by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche and a mileage scale. Rare separate issued sheet without the text on verso.
Antique map of Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Nobilis Fluvius Albis ... A Ioanne Ianssonio Amstelodami / Emporium Hamburgum
Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Nice mid 17th century copper engraved map of the course of the Elbe river between Hamburg and the Nordsee by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche and a cityview of Hamburg. Rare separate issued sheet...
Antique map of the course of the Elbe River, Hamburg. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Palatinatus ad Rhenum
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Beautiful engraved map of Rhineland-Palatinate by J. Janssonius. With one nice cartouche, one coat-of-arms and a figural mileage scale. With Bingen, Mainz, Frankfurt, Hanau, Heidelberg up to...
Antique map of the Rhineland-Palatinate. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Iuliacensis ducatus
J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Engraved map of the area around Julich by J. Janssonius. With one cartouche and a mileage scale. Showing River Rhine between Rheinberg and Remagen with Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Köln, Bonn and Aachen...
Antique map of Julich, North Rhein-Westphalia. Printed in Amsterdam by J. Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Pascaart vant Canaal tusschen Engelant en Vrancryck, alsmede geheel Ierlant en Schotlant ......
Johannis Janssonius, Amsterdam, circa 1650
Rare and very decorative sea chart of the coastal waters of the British Isles and the English Channel. Oriented to the west. Beautified with rhumb lines and two compass roses. The beautiful title...
Old coloured sea chart of the British Isles. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannis Janssonius circa 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Pascaarte Van't Westlyckste deel vande Middelandsche Zee [&] Pascaarte Van't Oostelyckste deel...
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650
Two rare and very decorative nautical charts of the entire Mediterranean area. The western and eastern part of the Mediterranean printed on two sheets. The seachart of the western part shows the...
Old coloured sea chart of the Mediterranean Sea. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Insulae de Cabo Verde Olim Hesperides sive Gorgades: Belgice De Zoute Eylanden.
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650
Rare and decorative, old coloured sea chart of the Cape Verde Islands by J. Janssonius. Showing Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) with the islands Santo Antão, São Vicente, Santa Luzia, São Nicolau, Sal, Boa...
Old coloured sea chart of Cabo Verde, Cape Verde Islands. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Insularum Hispaniolae et Cubae, Cum Insulis circumjacentibus accurata delineatio.
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650
First Edition of Jansson's map of Southern Florida and the Western Caribbean Rare and very decorative, old coloured sea chart of Southern Florida and the Western Caribbean by J. Janssonius....
Old coloured sea chart of Florida and Western Caribbean. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium Descriptio
Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1650
Old colored sea chart of the North Pole by J. Janssonius. With Greenland and Canada, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Norway and the north coast of Russia. The map shows, the famous Northwest Passage , a...
Old coloured sea chart of the North Pole. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Janssonius in 1650.
Johannes Janssonius: S. Maria de Monte Serrato
Rare, attractive view of the massif Montserrat close to Barcelona with the monastery on top. It's well-know because of the Black Madonna "Our Lady of Montserrat". Latin text on verso.
Coloured town view of Montserrat. Printed in the year 1657.
Johannes Janssonius: Guinea
circa 1660
Very attractive map of Guinea and Benin. Various animals and ships are shown. Dutch text on verso.
Old coloured map of Benin, Guinea. Printed circa 1660.
Johannes Janssonius: Peloponesus sive Morea. Auth. I. Laurenbergio.
Amsterdam, 1660
Ancient map of Greece / Peloponnese (Pelopónnisos). From a German edition of Jansson's "Atlantis majoris". One of 8 maps engraved by Johannes Laurenberg (1590-1658) a mathematician born in Rostock...
Coloured map of the Peloponnese. Printed in Amsterdam in the year 1660.
Johannes Janssonius: Frisia Occidentalis, Auctoribus Adriano Metio et Gerardo Freitag.
Janssonius Heirs, Amsterdam, 1666
Original old coloured map of Friesland in northern Holland with 3 beautiful cartouches, two sailing ships and a compass rose. From "Atlas Contractus" published 1666 two year after J. Janssonius...
Old coloured map of Friesland, Holland. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius Heirs in 1666.
Johannes Janssonius: Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et terrarum Circum Iacentium Descriptio
Janssonius Heirs, Amsterdam, 1666
Old colored sea chart of the North Pole by J. Janssonius. With Greenland and Canada, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Norway and the north coast of Russia. The map shows, the famous Northwest Passage , a...
Old coloured sea chart of the North Pole. Printed in Amsterdam by Janssonius Heirs in 1666.
Johannes Janssonius: Tractus Borysthenis vulgo Dniepr et Niepr Dicti, a Kiovia ad Urbum Oczakow Ubi in Pontum Euxinum...
circa 1680
Rare and attractive map of the Dnjepr river in the Ukraine from Kiew up to estury into Black Sea. From Janssonius with Waesberghe and Moses Pitt.
Coloured map of the Dnjepr. Printed circa 1680.
Johannes Janssonius: Ducatus Silesiae Grotganus cum Districtu Episcopali Nissensi Delineatore Iona Sculteto, Silesio.
Amsterdam, circa 1680
Attractive old coloured engraved map of Upper Silesia from J. Scultetus by J. Janssonius. Showing the area around Nysa and Grodkow. With three beautiful coloured cartouches. Without text on verso.
Old coloured map of Grodkow, Nysa. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1680.