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Johann Baptist Homann: Tafel in welcher alle gehörige Werck-zeuge zur Kriegs-Kunst, Vestungs-bau und Artillerie, zu...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Large, old coloured engraving with numerous illustrations of siege and war technology by Johann Baptist Homann. Including different military equipment such as cannons, mortars, battle axes, various...
Copper engraving of a military scene. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Johann Baptist Homann: Tabula Geographica Campaniae
J.B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1730
Original old coloured engraved map of the Champagne in France by J. B. Homann. Covering the region Champagne-Ardenne with Reims, Troyes and Épernay. With one decorative figurative and allegoric...
Old coloured map of the Champagne-Ardenne. Printed in Nuremberg by J.B. Homann circa 1730.
Johann Baptist Homann: Geographica Nova.. Mare Caspium altera Kamtzadaliam seu Terram Jedso curiose exhibet... / Das...
J.B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1730
Two maps on one sheet in beautiful original old colours. On the right a fascinating mapping of Kamchatka with the Kurils and Hokkaido in the north of Japan. Based a Russian expeditions sent by...
Old coloured map of the Caspian Sea. Printed in Nuremberg by J.B. Homann circa 1730.
Johann Baptist Homann: Principatus Transilvaniae In Suas Quasque Nationes earumque Sedes Et Regiones cum sinitimis...
J.B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1730
Old coloured map of Transylvania in Romania around the south Carpathian Mountains by Johann Baptist Homann. Decorated with a beautiful cartouches.
Old coloured map of Transylvania. Printed in Nuremberg by J.B. Homann circa 1730.
Johann Baptist Homann: Atlas Novus Terrarum Orbis Imperia, Regna et Status exactis Tabulis Geographice demonstrans /...
Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1731
Monumental Atlas of the World with 100 Maps by Johann Baptist Homann. All Maps Coloured by an 18th-Century Hand.The magnificent Atlas Novus or Grosser Atlas was first published in 1716 by...
Germany's most famous 18th-century world atlas. Published 1731 by Homann in Nuremberg.
Johann Baptist Homann: Potentissimae Helvetiorum Reipublicae Cantones Tredecim cum Foederatis et Subjectis Provinciis
Homann, Nuremberg, 1732
Beautiful detailed map of Switzerland, showing the 13 cantons. The large title cartouche showing 13 coat of arms of the cantons and 20 coat of arms of the large cities. Second cartouche with scene...
Old coloured map of Switzerland, Swiss. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann in 1732.
Johann Baptist Homann: Theoria Planetarum Primariorum
Nuremberg, circa 1746
Hand coloured copper engraving from J.G. Doppelmaier by J.B. Homann, showing orbit of the planets.
Doppelmaier's map of the orbit of the planets. Published in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann in 1746.