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Accurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der neu entdeckten Schalck Welt, oder des so offt...

Pieter Schenk (*1655 - 1718)
Old coloured map of Utopia, Land of Cockaigne. Printed by P. Schenk in 1700.

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Reference 12421



Rare original edition of the famous fantasy map of Utopia.

Schlaraffenland means Land of Cockaigne in German and represents a country of idleness and luxury. This is a totally imaginary map, but constructed in conventional forms. The map is divided in 19 provinces, each refers to a vice or a sin:

- Senectas regio (doter land)
- Iuventae Regnum (youth land)
- Stultorum regnum (fool land)
- Bibonia Regnum (carouser land)
- Magni Stomachi Imperium (land of large stomach)
- Pigritarium regio (sluggard land)
- Terra Sancta Incognita (wishful thinking land)
- Mammonia (niggard land)
- Schlaraffenland
- Tartaria regnum (empire of hell)
- Res Publica Veneria (land of bawdiness)
- Lusoria (land of gambling)
- Iuronia regnum (curse land)
- Lurconia Regnum (gourmandise land)
- Prodigalia regnum (waste land)
- Insulae Negromanticae
- Insel Tobaco

After Koeman, this example seems to be the original edition published in 1700/10. The more common editions of this map by Homann and Seutter appeared a few years later.


CartographerPieter Schenk
TitleAccurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der neu entdeckten Schalck Welt, oder des so offt benanten, und doch nie erkanten Schlarraffenlandes ... durch Author anonymu
Publisher, YearP. Schenk, 1700-10
Plate Size48.2 x 55.8 cm (19.0 x 22.0 inches)
Sheet Size52.5 x 60.5 cm (20.7 x 23.8 inches)
ReferenceHill, G.: Cartographic Curiosities, pp. 57-58.


A tear in lower centrefold backed, two larger wormholes, small tear in upper margin repaired. Mounted old on similar paper. Old colours.


Pieter Schenk, a Dutch engraver and publisher, was born 1655 in Elberfeld, Germany. He settled to Amsterdam and became a scholar of Gerhard Valck. He married Valck's sister in 1687. Afterwards, the Valck and Schenk families where active as print sellers, publishers and printers of maps, atlases and architectural drawings as well globes. The published atlases mainly based on reworked plates of Visscher, Sanson and Janssonius. He died in 1718.

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Pieter Schenk: Accurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der neu entdeckten Schalck Welt, oder des so offt benanten, und doch nie erkanten....
Old coloured map of Utopia, Land of Cockaigne. Printed by P. Schenk in 1700.

Curiosities - Schenk, Pieter - Accurata Utopiae tabula. Das ist der neu...

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