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Covens and Mortier: Carte Des Indes et de la Chine Dressee sur plusieurs Relations particulieres Rectifees par...
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1720
Old coloured antique map of East Asia with India, the Malay Peninsula, China and the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Sumatra with Borneo, Japan and Korea. Covens & Mortier's edition of Guillaume de...
Old coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1720.
Johann Baptist Homann: Geographica Nova.. Mare Caspium altera Kamtzadaliam seu Terram Jedso curiose exhibet... / Das...
J.B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1730
Two maps on one sheet in beautiful original old colours. On the right a fascinating mapping of Kamchatka with the Kurils and Hokkaido in the north of Japan. Based a Russian expeditions sent by...
Old coloured map of the Caspian Sea. Printed in Nuremberg by J.B. Homann circa 1730.
Homann Erben: Imperii Russici et Tatariae Universae tam majoris et Asiaticae quam minoris et Europaeae Tabula ...
Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1739
Very detailed antique map of the Russian Empire covering the region from the Baltic Sea across Siberia up to Korea and Japan. The a decorative cartouche contains hunters with stag and bear. The...
Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1739.
Jacques Nicolas Bellin: Fortsetzung der Karte von dem Morgenlaendischen Ocean die Eylande Sonda die Küsten von Tunquin...
Arkstee & Merkus, Leipzig, 1746
Interesting and detailed sea chart of Southeast Asia by Nicolas Bellin. Showing the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, the east coast of China and parts of Papua New Guinea. With a compass rose and one...
Sea chart of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, China, Japan. Printed in Leipzig by Arkstee & Merkus in 1746.
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of Japan Laid down from the Memoirs of the Portuguese and...
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Bowen's map of Japan from 'A Complete System of Geography'. With an elaborate allegorical cartouche and a compass rose. The way in which the area to the north of Honshu is depicted is noteworthy,...
Antique map of Japan - Korea. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Jacques Nicolas Bellin: China nebst Corea und den benachbarten Laendern der Tartarey
Arkstee & Merkus, Leipzig, 1749
Detailed map of China with Korea by Nicolas Bellin. From the German edition of Prévost's "L'Histoire Générale des Voyages" by J. J. Schwabe in Leipzig.
Antique map of Korea, China. Printed in Leipzig by Arkstee & Merkus in 1749.
Jean Baptiste d'Anville: Seconde partie de la carte d'Asie contenant la Chine et partie de la Tratarie, l'Inde ......
Attractive large map of Asia from G. de la Haye by J.B.B. d'Anville. Showing south east Asia with Japan and Korea. Printed on two plates, joined.
Coloured map of Southeast Asia. Printed in the year 1752.
Jacques Nicolas Bellin: Carte Du Kamtchatka
Paris, 1759
Large engraved map of the Kamchatka peninsula by Nicolas Bellin. One of the best and most detailed maps of Kamchatka from mid 18th century. Below a title cartouche.
Coloured map of Kamchatka Peninsula. Printed in Paris in the year 1759.
Anonymous: Ch'onha Chido [Atlas of all under Heaven]
circa 1780
A Scarce Korean Manuscript Atlas.Album with 12 manuscript maps from a traditional Korean manuscript atlas, drawn in the late 18th century. With a China-centered world map (Chonha-Do), a map...
Korean Manuscript Atlas, Ch'onha-Chido, late 18th Century
Anonymous: [Korean Manuscript Map of the World]
circa 1820
Stunning Korean Manuscript World Map from a Chonha-Chido .An early 1800's Korean manuscript world map based on a map produced during the Chinese Ming Empire (1368-1644). The map comes from...
Korean Manuscript World Map (Chonha-Do) from the early 1800s
Anonymous: [Korean Manuscript Map of China and Korea]
circa 1820
Stunning Korean Manuscript Map of China and Korea from a Chonha-Chido .An early 1800's Korean manuscript map of China with Korea ( Choson Kukto ). The map comes from a traditional Korean...
Traditional Korean Manuscript Map of China and Korea from the early 1800s
Anonymous: [Korean Manuscript Map of Kyonggi-do with Seoul]
circa 1820
Stunning Korean Manuscript Map of Kyonggi with Seoul from a Chonha-Chido .An early 1800's Korean manuscript map of Kyonggi-do (Gyeonggi-do) with Seoul. The map comes from a traditional...
Traditional Korean Manuscript Map of Kyonggi-do with Seoul from the early 1800s