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Homann Erben: Imperii Russici et Tatariae Universae tam majoris et Asiaticae quam minoris et Europaeae Tabula ...
Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1739
Very detailed antique map of the Russian Empire covering the region from the Baltic Sea across Siberia up to Korea and Japan. The a decorative cartouche contains hunters with stag and bear. The...
Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1739.
George Matthäus Seutter: Nova et accuratissima Maris Caspii hactenus maximam partem nobis non satis cogniti ac Regionum...
Augsburg, circa 1740
Original hand coloured copper engraving of Matthaeus Seutter. Showing the Caspian Sea (Каспийское море) with the...
Old coloured map of the Caspian Sea, Russia. Printed in Augsburg circa 1740.
George Matthäus Seutter: Nova Mappa Maris Nigri et Freti Constantinopolitani
Augsburg, circa 1741
Original hand coloured copper engraving of Matthaeus Seutter. Showing the Black Sea, Crimea and Bosporus. With large inset map Istanbul / Constantinople and the Bosporus.
Old coloured map of Constantinople, Black Sea. Printed in Augsburg circa 1741.
Guillaume de l'Isle: Carte de Moscovie. Dressee par Guillaume De l'Isle Premier Geographe du Roy.
Paris, 1745
Large, old coloured map of the western part of Russia by G. de l'Isle. The map is printed on two sheets, below size is for one sheet each. If joined, the size of the map is 119cm x 65.3cm . It...
Old coloured map of Moscow, Moskwa. Printed in Paris in the year 1745.
Emanuel Bowen: A New & Accurate Map of the Whole Russian Empire, as contain'd both in Europe and Asia.
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Bowen's map of the Russian Empire from 'A Complete System of Geography'. With an elaborate allegorical cartouche and a compass rose.
Antique map of Russia. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Emanuel Bowen: An Accurate Map of Asia Minor, as Divided into its Provinces, before it became Possess'd by the...
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Engraved map of Turkey by Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Showing Asia Minor with the Black-sea region and the eastern part of the Mediterranean sea with Cyprus. With one decorative...
Antique map of Turkey. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Emanuel Bowen: A New & Accurate Map of the Caspian Sea ...
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Decorative engraved map of the Caspian Sea by Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. With one decorative cartouche, a compass rose and a mileage scale.
Antique map of the Caspian Sea. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Johann Georg Schreiber: Das gantze Russische Kaeyserthum mit allen seinen Laendern verfertiget von J. G. Schreibern in...
Leipzig, 1749
Small scale map of Russia by J. G. Schreiber, from his Atlas Selectus in 1749, first published in 1740. Showing the area between Reval, Novaja Semlja, Japan and the Persian Gulf. Decorated with a...
Old coloured map of Russia. Printed in Leipzig in the year 1749.
Pierre François Tardieu: St. Pétersbourg
Large city plan of St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. The map is a reduced version of the...
Antique city plan of Saint Petersburg. Printed in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue de la Bourse et du Magazin des Marchandises en remontant la petite Neva
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the stock exchange and warehouse of St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc....
Antique town view of Saint Petersburg. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue de l'Amirauté et de ses Environs, en regardant de la Porte Triomphale vers l'Occident.
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the admiralty of St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by Niquet...
Antique town view of the Admiralty, Saint Petersburg. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue de la Ville de Tver
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the city Twer between Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc....
Antique town view of Kalinin, Tver. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue de la Ville de Catherinebourg
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the city Yekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by...
Antique town view of Swerdlowsk, Jekaterinburg. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Plan de Kronstadt
Engraved map of Kronstadt / Kronshtadt on the Kotlin Island west of St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N....
Antique map of Saint Petersburg, Kotlin Island, Kronstadt. Printed in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Carte de la Mer d'Azof et d'une Partie de la Mer Noire
Paris, 1783
Engraved map of the Crimean Peninsula with the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le...
Antique map of the Sea of Azov, Black Sea, Crimea. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Moskou
Paris, 1783
Engraved map of Moscow in Russia with legend on left and right side. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by...
Antique map of Moscow. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue d'Oranienbaum, Maison de plaisance de Sa Majesté Imperiale de toutes les Russies.
Paris, 1783
Large, beautiful view of the Palace of Oranienbaum / Lomonosov located on the Gulf of Finland West of St. Petersburg in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et...
Antique town view of Lomonosov, Oranienbaum. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Maison de Plaisance De Sa Majesté Impérial de toutes les Russies
Paris, 1783
Large, beautiful view of the Palace of the Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg / Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le...
Antique town view of Saint Petersburg, Catherine Palace. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Tereki Fluvii Cursus, Kabarda major minor-que et Caucaso adjacentes Regiones
Paris, 1783
Engraved map of the Terek River with parts of the Caspian Sea in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved...
Antique map of the Caspian Sea, Terek River. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Plan et coupe horisontale du labyrinte souterrain de Koungour Renvoi.
Paris, 1783
Engraved map of the Urals mit the town Kungur in Russia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by P. F. Tardieu.
Antique map of Urals, Perm Krai, Kungur. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Pierre François Tardieu: Carte de la Mer Caspienne
Paris, 1783
Engraved map of the Caspian Sea. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by P. F. Tardieu.
Antique map of the Caspian Sea. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Vue d'une Partie de la Ville d'Iakoutsk Sur le Rive Occidentale de la Léna, et des Rochers...
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the city Yakutsk at the Lena River in Siberia. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. Engraved by Neé...
Antique town view of the Lena River, Yakutsk. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Nicolas Louis de Lespinasse: Kiakta
Paris, 1783
Beautiful view of the city Kyakhta at the Kyakhta River in Russia close to the Mongolian border. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by...
Antique town view of Kiakhta, Kyakhta. Printed in Paris in the year 1783.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: General Karte von der königlichen Republik Polen mit den verwandten Ländern und dem Königreiche...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland and the Baltic States by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the northeastern part of Europe with Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.