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Pieter Schenk: De Oude-Stads-Herberg
circa 1700
View of building in Amsterdam. From "Afbeelding der voornaamste gebouwen van Amsterdam" by Pieter Schenk.
Copper engraving of an architectural illustration. Nautical Museum, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1700.
Pieter Schenk: Templum Insulare
circa 1700
View of building in Amsterdam. From "Afbeelding der voornaamste gebouwen van Amsterdam" by Pieter Schenk.
Copper engraving of an architectural illustration. Templum Insulare, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1700.
Pieter Schenk: Templum Septentrionale
circa 1700
View of building in Amsterdam. From "Afbeelding der voornaamste gebouwen van Amsterdam" by Pieter Schenk.
Copper engraving of an architectural illustration. Templum Septentrionale, Amsterdam. Printed circa 1700.
Johannes Loots: Paskaart van het Zuyderdeel van de Noord Zee streckende van de Wester Eems tot aan de Hoofde......
Johannes Loots, Amsterdam, circa 1700
Very rare nautical chart of the North Sea by Johannes Loots. With the coasts of Friesland, Holland, Zeeland, Flanders and the coastal regions of England with Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Kent with...
Sea chart of the North Sea. Printed in Amsterdam by Johannes Loots circa 1700.
Johann Baptist Homann: Belgii Pars Septentrionalis Communi Nomine vulgo Hollandia ... / Batavorum Coloniae Occidential...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1710
Original old coloured map of the Low Countries by JB Homann. With large inset maps of the Northeastern US from the Chesapeake to Massachusetts and Southeast Asia and additional vignette views of...
Old coloured map of Jakarta, New York. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1710.
Johann Baptist Homann: Belgii Pars Septentrionalis Communi Nomine vulgo Hollandia ... / Batavorum Coloniae Occidential...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1710
Original old coloured map of the Low Countries by JB Homann. With large inset maps of the Northeastern US from the Chesapeake to Massachusetts and Southeast Asia and additional vignette views of...
Old coloured map of Jakarta, New York. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1710.
Johann Baptist Homann: Belgii Pars Septentrionalis Communi Nomine vulgo Hollandia ... / Batavorum Coloniae Occidential...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1710
Original old coloured map of the Low Countries by JB Homann. With large inset maps of the Northeastern US from the Chesapeake to Massachusetts and Southeast Asia and additional vignette views of...
Old coloured map of Jakarta, New York. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1710.
Bernhard Schotanus van Sterringa: Uitbeelding der heerlijkheit Friesland, zoo in 't algemeen, als in haare... door Dr. Bern....
Francois Halma, Leeuwarden, 1718
Second and enlarged edition of the first atlas of the Dutch province of Friesland, including 30 detail maps of the entire provinces of Friesland, an overview map of Friesland and 8 historical maps...
A splendid copy of the famous Friesland Atlas. All maps and views finely coloured by a contemporary hand.
Christoph Weigel: Belgium sive Inferior Germania in suas XVII provincias divisa jucta ex actissimam
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Antique map of Begium and the Netherlands by Christoph Weigel. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche. From Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by...
Old coloured map of the Netherlands, Belgium. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Christoph Weigel: Belgii Foederati Provincia VII
Johann Ernst Adelbulner, Nuremberg, 1718
Antique map of the Netherlands by Christoph Weigel. Decorated with a beautiful title cartouche. From Bequemer Schul- und Reisen-Atlas also titled Atlas scholasticus et itinerarius by Christoph...
Old coloured map of the Netherlands. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Ernst Adelbulner in 1718.
Johann Baptist Homann: Tabula generalis totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII Infer. Germania olim sub S.R.I. Circula...
Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Old coloured map of the Benelux countries by Johann Baptist Homann. Shows the area between the Seine estuary and the Ems. Among the provinces Flanders, Brabant, Luxembourg, Geldern and Limburg. In...
Old coloured map of the Low Countries. Printed in Nuremberg by Johann Baptist Homann circa 1720.
Johann Baptist Homann: Belgii Pars Septentrionalis Communi Nomine vulgo Hollandia ... / Batavorum Coloniae Occidential...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Original old coloured map of the Low Countries by J. B. Homann. With large inset maps of the Northeastern US from the Chesapeake to Massachusetts and Southeast Asia and additional vignette views of...
Old coloured map of Jakarta, New York. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Guillaume de l'Isle: Carte du Brabant
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1720
A very large old coloured antique map of the duchy of Brabant by Guillaume de L'Isle. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens and Mortier. Shows the northern part of Belgium and the southern part of the...
Old coloured map of Belgium. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier circa 1720.
Jacob de Riemer: Haga-comitis in Hollandia 1570
Delft, 1730
Large, decorative bird's eye plan of the Hague (Den Haag) from J. de Riemer after G. van Giessen. From Beschryving Van's-Gravenhage .
Coloured town view of 's-Gravenhage, Den Haag. Printed in Delft in the year 1730.
Alexis Hubert Jaillot: Le Cercle de Westphalie divise en tous ses Estats / Nova Circuli Westphaliae...
P. Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Antique map of the northwestern part of Germany and the north of the Netherlands after H. Jaillot published by P. Mortier. Shows North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Friesland. To the top right...
Old coloured map of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by P. Mortier circa 1730.
Alexis Hubert Jaillot: Le Duche de Cleves la Seigneurie de Ravenstein et le Comte de Meurs
P. Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Antique map of the Duchy of Cleves and the East of the Netherlands after H. Jaillot by P. Mortier. Shows the area between Arnhem and Duisburg along the Rhine. With Nijmegen, Essen, Venlo, Moers,...
Old coloured map of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Printed in Amsterdam by P. Mortier circa 1730.
Alexis Hubert Jaillot: XVII Provinces des Pays-Bas / Belgii XVII. Provintiarum
P. Mortier, Amsterdam, circa 1730
Antique map of Belgium and the Netherlands by H. Jaillot at P. Mortier. Shows the 17 provinces of the present-day Benelux states of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. To the bottom right a...
Old coloured map of the Netherlands. Printed in Amsterdam by P. Mortier circa 1730.
Covens and Mortier: Platte Grond van de Fortresse Bourtange ten Jare 1742 Nauwkeurig opgenomen. te Amsterdam By...
Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam, 1742
Large impressive and rare plan of the fort Bourtange (Vestingdorp Bourtange) in Groningen by Covens & Mortier. With a decorative title cartouche, a figural decorated key and a compass rose.
Antique map of the Fort Bourtange, Groningen. Printed in Amsterdam by Covens & Mortier in 1742.
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of the Seven United Provinces Compiled from the Most Approv'd Maps &...
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Decorative engraved map of the Netherland by Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. Large North Sea chart inset at bottom. With one cartouche, a compass rose and a mileage scale.
Antique map of the Netherlands. Published by E. Bowen in London during the year 1747.
George Louis le Rouge: 2e. Plan de la Bataille de Laveld. Gagnée Par le Roy le 2. Juillet 1747.
G. L. Le Rouge, Paris, 1747
Rare and detailed map of the Battle of Lauffeld (also Lafelt, Laffeld or Val) on 2 July 1747 during the War of the Austrian Succession west of Maastricht. In the east with Bilzen.
Antique map of Maastricht, Lafelt, Bilzen. Printed in Paris by G. L. Le Rouge in 1747.
George Louis le Rouge: Mastricht avec les Attaques Leve sur les Lieux en Juin 1748. A Paris chez Le Sr. Le Rouge ...
le Rouge, Paris, 1748
A rare separate published plan of Maastricht by G. L. le Rouge. Showing the fortified city with important buildings named. With a key from a to x, a mileage scale and a compass rose.
Antique map of Maastricht. Printed in Paris by le Rouge in 1748.
Homann Erben: Septem Provinciae seu Belgium Foederatum
Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1748
Old coloured antique map of the Netherlands by Homann Heirs. A very detailed map of the Netherlands with the coats of arms of the 7 provinces.
Old coloured map of the Netherlands. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1748.
Anonymous: Kaart van de doorgespoelde en afgesleeten Meers Oever in 't West Einde van Aalsmeer
Copper engraved map of Aalsmeer near Amsterdam. Shows the area southwest of Amsterdam between Aalsmeer and Leimuiden. Published in 1766.
Coloured map of Amsterdam. Printed in the year 1766.
Pieter Fouquet: Gezicht van het Luthersche Weeshuys
View of building in Amsterdam. From "Atlas van Amsterdam" by P. Fouquet.
Copper engraving of an architectural illustration. Luthersche Weeshuys, Amsterdam. Printed in the year 1775.