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Altkoloriertes Titelblatt des Hondius-Janssonius Atlas. Aus der lateinischen Ausgabe des Atlas Novus 1641 in Amsterdam erschienen.
Pieter van der Krogt in Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, 1:31.2:
Architectural title page. At the top a sphere and allegorical representations of astronomy and geography. The main text panel is flanked by princes and noblemen and the panel itself surrounded by coats-of-arms of 18 countries: top Spain, England (including Scotland and Ireland), the Holy Roman Empire, France, Sweden and Denmark; left Poland, Turkey, United Netherlands, Portugal, Flanders/Brabant and Savoy; right Austria, Hungary, Papal State, Naples, Venice, and Toscana. A secondary text panel in the plinth is carried by a double-headed eagle. The text panels have engraved French text; the appropriate texts for editions in other languages were pasted over.
Kartograph | Jodocus Hondius |
Titel | Atlas novus, sive sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum ... in Tres Tomos |
Verlag, Jahr | J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1641 |
Bildgröße | 37.0 x 23.6 cm |
Blattgröße | 46.7 x 30.6 cm |
Referenz | Van der Krogt, P.: Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, 1:31.2 |
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Titelblätter - Hondius, Jodocus - Atlas novus, sive sive Theatrum Orbis...