To the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich ... View of the Royal Hospital Building...

Pierre Fourdrinier
Kupferstich einer Architekturdarstellung. Krankenhaus, Hasler, England. Gedruckt in London im Jahre 1750.

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Artikel-Nr. 10987



A perspective view of the Royal Hospital Building for Sick and Hurt Seamen at Haslar, near Portsmouth. It is inscribed Theodore Jacobsen Esqr. Architect-Fourdrinier Sculp 1750. 'The original intention was that the building was to have been quadrangle in form, each side of the quadrangle to consist of a double row of buildings. In the event, the South-West was omitted due to the financial problems.' (Haslar Heritage Group)


KartographPierre Fourdrinier
TitelTo the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich ... View of the Royal Hospital Building for Sick, and Hurt Seamen at Hasler near Portsmouth ...
Verlag, JahrLondon, 1750
Bildgröße47.8 x 54.0 cm
Blattgröße53.0 x 65.4 cm


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Pierre Fourdrinier war als Kupferstecher von 1720 bis 1760 in England tätig.

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Pierre Fourdrinier: To the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich ... View of the Royal Hospital Building for Sick, and Hurt Seamen at Hasler....
Kupferstich einer Architekturdarstellung. Krankenhaus, Hasler, England. Gedruckt in London im Jahre 1750.

Architektur - Fourdrinier, Pierre - To the Right Honourable John Earl of...

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