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Pieter de Hondt: Plan de la Bataille, gagnée par Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, sur l'Armée Autrichienne, aux ordres...
The Hague, 1758
A rare military plan of Leuthen in Silesia during the Seven Years' War by Pieter de Hondt. Showing the Battle of Leuthen on 5 December 1757 during the Seven Years War. After L. W. F. Von...
Antique map of Leuthen, Silesia. Printed in The Hague in the year 1758.
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Borussiae Regnum complectens Circulos Sambiensem, Natangiensem et Hockerlandiae nec non Borussia...
T.C. Lotter, Augsburg, 1759
Decorative copper engraved map of Poland by T. C. Lotter. Covering the area around Dantzig (Gdansk), Elbing (Elblag) and Königsberg (Krolewiec). The map has a highly decorative figurative and...
Old coloured map of East Prussia. Printed in Augsburg by T.C. Lotter in 1759.
George Louis le Rouge: Plan de Brieg en Silesie / Plan de Glogaw / Plan D'Oppelen / Plan de Trachenberg
le Rouge, Paris, circa 1760
A rare engraving of four city plan in Silesia by Le Rouge. Showing Brieg (Brzeg), Glogau (Glogow), Oppeln (Opole) and Trachenberg (Zmigrod) one one sheet. We only could locate a handful of copies...
Antique town view of Trachenberg, Oppeln, Glogau, Brieg, Silesia. Printed in Paris by le Rouge circa 1760.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: General Karte von der königlichen Republik Polen mit den verwandten Ländern und dem Königreiche...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland and the Baltic States by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the northeastern part of Europe with Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Spezial Karte von des Koenigreichs Galizien und Lodomerien westlichen Kreisen.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the historical landscape of Galicia between Western Ukraine and Southern Poland.From Reilly's Schauplatz der...
Old coloured map of Galicia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Koenigreichs Galizien und Lodomerien mittlere Kreise.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the historical landscape of Galicia between Western Ukraine and Southern Poland.From Reilly's Schauplatz der...
Old coloured map of Galicia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Koenigreichs Galizien und Lodomerien östliche Kreise.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the historical landscape of Galicia between Western Ukraine and Southern Poland.From Reilly's Schauplatz der...
Old coloured map of Galicia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Die königliche Republik Polen mit dem Großherzogthum Litauen.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland and the Baltic States by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the northeastern part of Europe with Poland and Lithuania.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der königlichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Posen, Kalisz, Gnesen, Brzesc, u. Inowroclae oder...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the western part of Poland with Poznań in the center.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Königlichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Sieradz, Lentschitz und Rawa oder Gross Polens...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. With Warsaw, Rawa, Lowicz, Sieradz, Piotrkow, Breslau, Brieg, Posen and Leczyka.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Königlichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Plotzk und Masau oder Gross Polens östlicher Theil.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. In the centre the Vistula with Warsaw.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It became famous...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Königlichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Krakow u. Sandomir mit dem untern Theile der...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the area around Krakow and Lublin.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It became famous...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Koniglichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Podlachien mit dem obern Theile der Woiwodschafter...
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the area around Warsaw and the eastern parts.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Königlichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Chelm u. Wolhynien.
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Poland by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the area around Lutsk (Luzk) and Chelm.From Reilly's Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt , an atlas with over 1000 maps in total. It became...
Old coloured map of Poland. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Des Königreichs Preussen nordwestlicher Theil mit der freyen Stadt Danzig
Reilly, Vienna, 1791
Antique map of Prussia by F. J. v. Reilly. Shows the Baltic Sea coast from Gdansk (Danzig) to Kaliningrad (Königsberg). With Elbląg (Elbing) and Lidzbark Warmiński (Heilsberg).From Reilly's...
Old coloured map of Prussia. Printed in Vienna by Reilly in 1791.