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Johann Baptist Homann: Neue Tafel vor alle Liebhabers und See-fahrende Personen Stellet vor ein Orlog oder Kriegs-Schiff...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Large, old coloured engraving of a warship by Johann Baptist Homann. Published around 1720 in Nuremberg. Shows a three-master battleship with dinghies in the centre, below the cross section of the...
Copper engraving of a maritim scenery. Warship. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
Johann Baptist Homann: Tafel in welcher alle gehörige Werck-zeuge zur Kriegs-Kunst, Vestungs-bau und Artillerie, zu...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
Large, old coloured engraving with numerous illustrations of siege and war technology by Johann Baptist Homann. Including different military equipment such as cannons, mortars, battle axes, various...
Copper engraving of a military scene. Printed in Nuremberg by J. B. Homann circa 1720.
George Matthäus Seutter: Accurata Utopiae Tabula das ist der Neu-Entdeckten Schalck-Welt, oder des so Offt Benannten und...
G. M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1730
The famous fantasy map of Utopia.Schlaraffenland stand for the Land of Cockaigne in German and represents a country of idleness and luxury. This is a totally imaginary map, but...
Old coloured map of Cockaigne, Utopia. Printed in Augsburg by G. M. Seutter circa 1730.
George Matthäus Seutter: Symbolische Sinnreiche in einer Belagerung... Versuchungen der Liebe... Representation symbolique...
G. M. Seutter, Augsburg, circa 1740
Seutter's famous allegorical map representing the battle of the sexes and of love. In style of a typical 18th century battle plan.Jeffrey N. Peters describes this map in The History of...
Fantasy map by G. M. Seutter, printed in Ausburg around 1740.
Emanuel Bowen: A Circle of Winds consisting of 32 points commonly called the Mariners Compass / Artificial Sphere
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Two engravings printed from one plate on one sheet. The left side shows a compass rose with 32 wind directions, the right shows an armillary sphere. Both images have cherubs with navigational...
Engraving of a compass rose and an armillary sphere. Published by E. Bowen in London during the year 1747.
Emanuel Bowen: The Solar System, with the Orbit of 5 remarkable Comets.
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Fascinating model of the solar system out to Saturn. Showing the orbits of 5 comets, the date the comets first appeared, the period and a prediction on the next appearance. One comet out of the...
Engraving of the solar system with comets. Published by E. Bowen in London in 1747.
Homann Erben: Perspectivische Vorstellung des berühmten Blocken oder Blokenbergs... 1732... 1749 / Vue de la...
Homann Erben, Nuremberg, 1749
Rare and sought-after engraving with the view of the Brocken in the Harz Mountains with witches and demons circling in the sky. This is the first edition, still without the additional explanation...
Old coloured map of the Brocken with witches. Printed in Nuremberg by Homann Erben in 1749.
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Germaniae Aliorumque Quorundam Loco-rum Europae Poliometria
circa 1750
Distance table from L.C. Lotter, with nice cartouche and explanation of usage.
Old coloured distance chart. Printed circa 1750.
George Matthäus Seutter: Tabula Anemographica seu Pyxis Nautica, vulgo Compass Charte
T. C. Lotter, Augsburg, circa 1760
Wind map in stile of a wind rose. Original old colouring by the publisher.
Old coloured wind map. Printed in Augsburg by T. C. Lotter circa 1760.
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Sphaera Armillaris / Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum
T. C. Lotter, Augsburg, 1774
Rare and very decorative engraving with two astronomical devices: On the left an armillary sphere to show the movement of the heavenly bodies, on the right a planetarium, as it was constructed in...
Armillary Sphere and Planetarium. Printed in Augsburg by T. C. Lotter in 1774.
Hyacinthe Langlois: Atlas
Paris, circa 1820
A boxed set of 8 jigsaw puzzles published around 1820 by Hyacinthe Langlois. A wonderful example of an early nineteenth century French educational tool for teaching geography to young children....
Old coloured jigsaw puzzles. Printed in Paris in the year 1820.
Charles Verneau: Mappemonde en deux Hemispheres
Paris, circa 1880
Appealing cartographical toy, consisting of 20 wooden cubes, each side of each cube with a map section pasted on, thus forming 6 puzzle maps of the world, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and...
Cartographical toy consisting of 20 wooden cubes. Fabricated in Paris during the year 1880.
Anonymous: Humoristische Landkarte
Verlag Hermann Bercker, Munich, 1914
Comic map on a postcard with war propaganda published during the first months of World War I.
Map of World War One, Propaganda Map. Printed in Munich by Verlag Hermann Bercker in 1914.