Remarkable map of the British, Spanish & French Colonies in North America on the eve of the French & Indian War by E. Bowen from 'A Complete System of Geography'. This map presents one of the most interesting description of an Anglocentric view of the future United States during the period. It clearly emphasizes the newly updated cartographic information in the Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes regions, showing significantly more information than earlier British Maps of this region.
The map includes a fascinating annotation, which attributes the cartographic detail in the region to the maps of Charlevoix and Bellin, which had been issued in the years immediately preceding the issuance of this map and were drawn from French explorations in the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley and Mississippi Valley, which had dramatically improved upon the information available to Henry Popple and other British mapmakers of the prior decade. Excellent detail throughout, including extensive annotations.
Evidence of two old vertical folds, lower centrefold backed.
Emanuel Bowen was a printer, publisher and map engraver in London during the mid-eighteenth century. From 1714 onwards he worked in London and began to produce some of the finest and most attractive maps of the century.
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Emanuel Bowen: A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with Part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries..
Antique map of Canada, Florida, Louisiana. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
North America - Bowen, Emanuel - A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with...