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Abraham Goos: Africae descriptio
Amsterdam, circa 1630
Attractive small scale coloured map of Africa, engraved by Abraham Goos for Mercator / Hondius. French letterpress on back.
Coloured map of Africa. Printed in Amsterdam circa 1630.
Jodocus Hondius: Africae nova tabula
circa 1633
Attractive coloured map of Africa. Various animals appear in Africa, seamonsters and fishes in the ocean. It was publish first 1619 by Jodocus Hondius with four decorative borders (state 1). After...
Coloured map of the African continent. Printed circa 1633.
Gerard Mercator: Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis Imperiu
Amsterdam, 1638
Hand coloured copper engraved map of Central Africa by G. Mercator. With two beautiful coloured cartouche and one inset map of the Congo. Showing the Kingdom of Prester John in central Africa, how...
Coloured map of Priest Joan, Congo, Central Africa. Printed in Amsterdam in the year 1638.
Giovanni Botero: Africa
Giunti, Venice, circa 1640
Very rare copper engraved Africa Map of G. Botero. This example has a thin engraved line around the continent, which is not described in references. It seems the map comes from 1640 edition of...
Antique map of Africa. Printed in Venice by Giunti circa 1640.
Willem Janszoon Blaeu: Africae nova descriptio
Amsterdam, 1641-42
One of the most sought after maps of Africa.A very good example of Blaeu's iconic 17th-century map of Africa. It features the African continent with the Arabian Peninsula in the upper right...
Antique map of Africa with borders by Willem J. Blaeu. Published 1641 in Amsterdam.
Alain Manesson Mallet: Afrique Moderne, Newes Africa
Small scale engraved map of Africa from Alain Manesson Mallet. From "Description de l'univers" Vol. 3.
Antique map of Africa. Printed in the year 1686.
Alain Manesson Mallet: Afrique Ancienne, Das Alte Africa
Small scale engraved map of ancient Africa by Alain Manesson Mallet. From "Description de l'univers" Vol. 3.
Antique map of the ancient Africa. Printed in the year 1686.
Alain Manesson Mallet: Afrique Ancienne, Das Alte Africa
Nice original old coloured small scale engraved map of ancient Africa by Alain Manesson Mallet. From "Description de l'univers" Vol. 3.
Old coloured map of the ancient Africa. Printed in the year 1686.
Alain Manesson Mallet: Afrique Moderne, Newes Africa
Original old handcoloured small scale engraved map of Africa from Alain Manesson Mallet. From "Description de l'univers" Vol. 3.
Old coloured map of Africa. Printed in the year 1686.
John Seller: The Western Ocean By Jer Seller and Cha Price
Jeremiah Seller & Charles Price, London, 1686 (1710)
A very rare sea chart of the Atlantic by John Seller. Includes almost all of South America as well as large parts of North America, Africa and Southern Europe. The map is based on the four-sheet...
Coloured sea chart of the Atlantic Ocean. Printed in London by Jeremiah Seller & Charles Price in 1710.
Johann Baptist Homann: Accuratissima totius Africae Tabula in Lucem producta
J. v. Sandrart, Nuremberg, 1700
Rare map of Africa engraved by J.B. Homann prior he became his own publisher. The map is printed and published by Jacob von Sandrart and is a close copy of de Wit's map of 1680. Seems to be the...
Old coloured map of the African continent. Printed in Nuremberg by J. v. Sandrart in 1700.
Vincenzo Maria Coronelli: L'Africa divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le piu moderne, relationis colle scoperte dell origine e...
Venice, 1701
Famous two sheet Coronelli map of Africa in beautiful old colour. Second edition from 1701 which is unchanged since first edition in 1691. Many little elephants, lions and other animals filling up...
Coloured map of the African continent. Printed in Venice in the year 1701.
Johann Baptist Homann: Planiglobii Terrestris cum utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti [and] Totius Africae [and] Totius Americae...
J. B. Homann, Nuremberg, circa 1720
A matching set of the World and the Continents by J. B. HomannWorld Planiglobii Terrestris cum utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti : Old coloured antique world map by J. B. Homann. With southern...
Old coloured world map and continent maps by Johann Baptist Homann. Published around 1720 in Nuremberg.
Edward Wells: A New Map of Africk Shewing its Present General Divisions Cheif Cities or Towns, Rivers,...
E. Wells, London, circa 1738
Decorative coloured map of the African continent. From "A New Sett of Maps both of Antient and Present Geography" by Edward Wells an English clergyman, teacher and mathematician, born in 1667....
Coloured map of Africa. Printed in London by E. Wells circa 1738.
Noel Antoine Pluche: El puerto de ophir yla antigua derrota de tarsis / La Grecia Y Onia
circa 1740
Small scale engraved map of Africa (13,8 x 6,8 cm) titled "El puerto de ophir yla antigua derrota de tarsis" with coloured trading scene. From Le Spectacle de la nature by Noel Antoine Pluche....
Coloured map of Africa. Printed circa 1740.
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of Africa.
E. Bowen, London, 1747
Bowen's map of Africa showing the complete continent. From 'A Complete System of Geography' . Decorated with a compass rose and a nice title cartouche with african animals.
Antique map of Africa. Printed in London by E. Bowen in 1747.
Johann Georg Schreiber: Africa verfertiget von J. G. Schreibern in Leipzig
Leipzig, 1749
Small scale map of Africa by J. G. Schreiber, from his Atlas Selectus in 1749, first published in 1740. Nice cartouche with elephant, lion and palm trees.
Old coloured map of Africa. Printed in Leipzig in the year 1749.
Georg Christoph Kilian: Africae compendiosa representatio, Compendiose Vorstellung deß gantzen Welt Theils Africa mit...
Augsburg, circa 1760
Small scale map of Africa by G. C. Kilian published 1760 in Augsburg / Germany.
Coloured map of Africa. Printed in Augsburg circa 1760.
Rigobert Bonne: Afrique
Paris, circa 1780
Beautiful original coloured map of Africa from Rigobert Bonne in Paris.
Coloured map of Africa. Printed in Paris circa 1780.
Jean Baptiste Louis Clouet: Lacs Fleuve Rivieres et Principales Montagnes de l'Afrique
Interesting map of the African continent, describing the lakes, rivers and mountains. From Géographie Moderne by Jean Baptiste Louis Clouet.
Coloured map of Africa. Printed in the year 1787.
John Russell: Africa from the best authorities
London, circa 1795
Small scale map pf the African Continent by John Russell, London around 1795.
Antique map of Africa. Printed in London circa 1795.
Geographisches Institut Weimar: Charte von Africa
Geographisches Institut Weimar, Weimar, 1806
Engraved map of Africa by "Geographisches Institut Weimar".
Old coloured map of Africa. Printed in Weimar by Geographisches Institut Weimar in 1806.
Geographisches Institut Weimar: Charte von Africa
Praha, 1810
Engraved map of Africa by "Geographisches Institut Weimar".
Antique map of Africa. Printed in Praha in the year 1810.
Adolf Stieler: Afrika
Gotha, 1828
Steel engraved map of Africa from Stieler Atlas, engraved by Joh. Carl Ausfeld.
Old coloured map of Africa. Printed in Gotha in the year 1828.